Obamacare FIXED! Take that you Teabaggers!

BigLouie's Avatar

WASHINGTON—Responding to widespread criticism regarding its health care website, the federal government today unveiled its new, improved Obamacare program, which allows Americans to purchase health insurance after installing a software bundle contained on 35 floppy disks. “I have heard the complaints about the existing website, and I can assure you that with this revised system, finding the right health care option for you and your family is as easy as loading 35 floppy disks sequentially into your disk drive and following the onscreen prompts,” President Obama told reporters this morning, explaining that the nearly three dozen 3.5-inch diskettes contain all the data needed for individuals to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace, while noting that the updated Obamacare software is mouse-compatible and requires a 386 Pentium processor with at least 8 MB of system RAM to function properly. “Just fire up MS-DOS, enter ‘A:\>dir *.exe’ into the command line, and then follow the instructions to install the Obamacare batch files—it should only take four or five hours at the most. You can press F1 for help if you run into any problems. And be sure your monitor’s screen resolution is at 320 x 200 or it might not display properly.” Obama added that the federal government hopes to have a six–CD-ROM version of the program available by 2016.

From The Onion, America's Finest News Source!.
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LexusLover's Avatar
"Obama added that the federal government hopes to have a six–CD-ROM version of the program available by 2016."

"Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away there lived a king ....."

... who sold snake oil to his loyal fools!
And if you have any further questions about Obama, this video explains a LOT about him....


JCM800's Avatar
lol .....good old floppy 3.5's to the rescue.
And if you have any further questions about Obama, this video explains a LOT about him....


Enjoy... Originally Posted by haya1300
Heck, that was a parody. This stupid bitch actually did this. Hell, every body was waiting for her to break out the "black face" and do her best rendition of " Mammy"

► 0:33► 0:33
Mar 16, 2007 - Uploaded by mj2878b
Hillary Clinton adopts a southern drawl while speaking in Selma, AL. ... Hillary Clinton ...
when one entity, government or some monopolistic private enterprise, runs the whole of anything, we get results like this

now government is worse than any proprietary interest, even a monopolistic private interest, for no one really cares ultimately, among those who work for government, about the efficiency or the service provided by government

government workers are mostly concerned about maximizing their personal benefits at the lowest cost to them, they are free enterprise at a micro level, proving its benefits in some perverse manner. do they properly oversee this thing as if they truly cared?

the IRS scandal reinforces this fact. there are three forces in government and politics, democrats, republicans and the bureaucrats. the bureaucrats readily see who supports them and their way of life, with the massive salaries, days off, work ethic, insurance and retirement and ever expanding hiring. so what do they do about the tea party, who threatens their lifestyle? merely shuts them out of their constitutional rights, thats all, while continuing to contribute to democrat office seekers.

no one thing can properly serve a market
Ronald Reagan say "tear down this wall".....Obama says dial 1-800-F1 __ KYO.
lol .....good old floppy 3.5's to the rescue. Originally Posted by JCM800
Antiquated software for an antiquated computer to load up an antiquated government program set forth by liberal politicians who have antiquated mind sets and ideas. What could go wrong.
Misawahawk's Avatar
I'm convinced the Tea Baggers want this country to fail, are rascists that will never like Obama because he's black, and they oppose people's choices on individual freedoms. Maybe the system would have worked better if not for the shut down. It's all for not, the vast majority of America don't support the Tea Baggers. I will be crying tears of joy when their beloved wealth is redistributed.
JCM800's Avatar
Teabaggers are in a dwindling minority.
I'm convinced the Tea Baggers want this country to fail, are rascists that will never like Obama because he's black, and they oppose people's choices on individual freedoms. Maybe the system would have worked better if not for the shut down. It's all for not, the vast majority of America don't support the Tea Baggers. I will be crying tears of joy when their beloved wealth is redistributed. Originally Posted by Misawahawk
I am convinced you're the poster child for leftist stupidity. You just displayed the level of intelligence I could only expect from a four legged animal, not a human being with a mind of his own. The Tea Party doesn't want the country to fail you idiot. What they want is for the country to be more self sufficient. Liberals are nothing more than double talking fanatics throwing the human rights and freedom of choice bullshit up in the conservatives face. We all know that's just a tool to use against the conservatives, the liberals don't mean it. You're exactly the type of person the liberals want, they actually refer to people like you as "useful idiots" So you can keep bashing the Tea Party, Conservatives or Republicans whoever, but in the long run they are groups that are really trying to keep those that live to turn us into slaves from succeeding.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Maybe the system would have worked better if not for the shut down. Originally Posted by Misawahawk

ROFL.. the same system they contracted a CANADIAN firm to produce for $639 million over 3 years and which they TESTED 2 weeks before the shutdown, found it failed, and STILL ROLLED IT OUT.. failed because of the shut down? Too bleeping funny.

And yes, we understand you'll love to see others lose their wealth, since you obviously won't earn any yourself. Envy much?
Misawahawk's Avatar
I am convinced you're the poster child for leftist stupidity. You just displayed the level of intelligence I could only expect from a four legged animal, not a human being with a mind of his own. The Tea Party doesn't want the country to fail you idiot. What they want is for the country to be more self sufficient. Liberals are nothing more than double talking fanatics throwing the human rights and freedom of choice bullshit up in the conservatives face. We all know that's just a tool to use against the conservatives, the liberals don't mean it. You're exactly the type of person the liberals want, they actually refer to people like you as "useful idiots" So you can keep bashing the Tea Party, Conservatives or Republicans whoever, but in the long run they are groups that are really trying to keep those that live to turn us into slaves from succeeding. Originally Posted by acp5762
Do you believe in democracy? Do you believe in the American system of government? If so, then news flash America is sick and tired and voted out the majority of cronies in government. The right is scared and they damn well should be. Your days of locking up over 2 million people, mostly poor and minorities, for bullshit crimes is over. I say to you rightist if you are sooo rich then why aren't you smart? Do you honestly think manipulating the common man is sustainable? Ask yourself, I beg you, do you have more than 500k in the bank? If not the GOP doesn't give a flying fuck about you!!! They are concerned with preserving generational wealth (by all means necessary). You are a pawn in a game you don't even understand. For the love of God please wake up!!! Don't let the GOP pea on your leg and tell you it's raining.