What If The Young People "Just Say No"

As of right now, if younger Americans, people under 30, decide to simply pay the fine instead of purchasing insurance under The ACA, what will happen.?
As of right now, if younger Americans, people under 30, decide to simply pay the fine instead of purchasing insurance under The ACA, what will happen.? Originally Posted by Jackie S
The insurance companies will not profit, and either quit selling insurance on the exchanges or raise their prices accordingly. Obamacare does not force insurance companies to sell insurance on the exchanges, they only force those that are required under the law to purchase health insurance.

As Jay Carney pointed out the other day, there is wording in the law that sates in laymans terms "If there is no insurance to buy, or the government fails in providing the opportunity for all to buy, you are exempt from Obamacare.

But, there may be some insurance companies that continue on the premise that if they fail, the government will be obligated to bail them out, or they are too big too fail <think AIG>
As of right now, if younger Americans, people under 30, decide to simply pay the fine instead of purchasing insurance under The ACA, what will happen.? Originally Posted by Jackie S
When they finally figure out Onotcare got their tax refund check. They will have been woken up...
...But, there may be some insurance companies that continue on the premise that if they fail, the government will be obligated to bail them out, or they are too big too fail <think AIG> Originally Posted by nwarounder
You don't think the White House told them that earlier this week? You bet they did.

Remember some banks rejected the bailout but were told that this was an offer they couldn't refuse.

When they finally figure out Onotcare got their tax refund check. They will have been woken up... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The media is hyping the $85 penalty if you don't buy Obamacare (or have suitable insurance). The penalty is 1% of your income for singles or $85 whichever is higher. You don't hear about the 1%, which is likely much more reasonable than a $385 a month policy.
You don't think the White House told them that earlier this week? You bet they did.

Remember some banks rejected the bailout but were told that this was an offer they couldn't refuse.

The media is hyping the $85 penalty if you don't buy Obamacare (or have suitable insurance). The penalty is 1% of your income for singles or $85 whichever is higher. You don't hear about the 1%, which is likely much more reasonable than a $385 a month policy. Originally Posted by gnadfly

$85.00 or 1% on the first year? Is it which ever is bigger?
Dennis Miller says that Obamacare is the new prohibition, and the kid's aren't going to go along with this either. Funny, but true.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Dennis Miller says that Obamacare is the new prohibition, and the kid's aren't going to go along with this either. Funny, but true. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Too true. Made and defended a similar remark a month ago.

RochBob's Avatar
Basically "Obamacare" or the Affordable Care Act whichever you prefer has the same problem Social Security and Medicare already have. They are based on a large pool of younger people supporting a smaller older generation or in this case a large group of healthy people supporting a small group of sick folks. The problem with that plan is if the Healthy people don't sign up and pay in its not worth it to the Insurance Companies to continue to participate without any kind of Government reimbursement.
LexusLover's Avatar
The insurance companies will not profit, ..... Originally Posted by nwarounder
The insurance companies don't get the fine and they don't get obligation to provide care.

Business as usual ... the taxpayers will continue to provide them with free care ... OR .. their parents and grandparents .... who have worked their asses off all their life and saved up enough money to retire comfortably will have to dig in their pockets and cough up the dough! I'm gonna quit calling it "ObaminableCare" and start "TaxpayersCare"!!!

"The Fat Lady ain't sung, but she's warming up for it!"

Please remember:

This is the "community organizer" who orchestrated the removal of the "contaminated insulation" in a housing project, but failed to replace the insulation. He is not going to leave this place better than he found it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You mean another government PONZI Scheme.

Hey LL, he did them a favor. Freezing to death is much less horrible than dying of asbestosis.

I am so glad he is looking out for our best interest.

LexusLover's Avatar
You mean another government PONZI Scheme.
Originally Posted by The2Dogs
A "tri-frectum" ....

...... he added to the bailout, sponsored bankrupt green companies, and ...

now brings us the "FINAL SOLUTION" .... CALLED ..... Obamacare.

There is "noise" out there that the wonderous "roll out" of ObaminableCare cost ....

$500 Billion ... or was that "JUST" $500 MILLION for the software/website company.

$500 MILLION just to set up the website ...

.......... to provide 11 million uninsured with a "market"!

And the website doesn't work!!!!!!


If it walks like one, talks like one, and looks like one ... it is one.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-24-2013, 03:35 PM
sans Jackie, I suppose you could call it a meeting of the minds from the above posters ... but I'll just call it a meeting to keep from telling a lie
LexusLover's Avatar
...telling a lie Originally Posted by CJ7
What is "the lie"?
Misawahawk's Avatar
If a person elects not to have health insurance they will pay a fine. This year it's pretty small, but 3 years from now it will increase to 2% of gross income.