Sensitive Location Info in Reviews?

FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 09-23-2012, 09:32 AM
Please please do not ever list any specific location info in a review. This is a very very dangerous practice. All you need to say is it was a nice place, it was mediocre, or it was a hell hole dump. Please do not ever list specifics ESPECIALLY if a lady is working out of her home. What if her family, friends, neighbors, or god forbid her child's school authorities somehow make the connection?

This shouldn't even need to be said but based on a recent review in the Mobile area somebody doesn't get it. I don't care if it's a side street either, that is not necessary and is outright a safety issue. If you need to know if the lady is located in a neighborhood that you will have time to visit, then PM or email either her or her reviewer privately to find that out.

I would have reported the review and asked for the info to be removed but I didn't see anyway to do that. For safety reasons, I don't even advertise the same city that I actually live in much less a cross street or a side street!
Tekase's Avatar
Which review are you talking about? Link it please.
All you had to do was contact a mod
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 09-23-2012, 03:13 PM
I don't use Pm's on here and email info was not available.
But here is the review:

I really didn't want to draw more attention to it, but can someone please take the street name out?
Tekase's Avatar
That was my review. ********* (staff edit) street stretches through the entire city from east to west. It's a 6 mile stretch through the heart of the city. It allows people to know she lives in the city instead in one of the outlying areas. I would never give out specific locations in a review.

Before you go blasting someone about there review in a public forum, you could have just contacted me instead. Also, the provider was contacted immediately after the review and has seen it and has no issues with it.

And one more thing. It was Pensacola and not Mobile.
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 09-23-2012, 04:44 PM
I don't agree that mentioning a street name is OK ever because it sets a bad precedence/example for those who don't know anything about the area. I don't care if it stretches from Mississippi to California. I wasn't blasting anyone either. All you had to say was she lives in the city and not mention any street names. If I had wanted to blast anyone, I would have linked to the review in my first posting, but I did not until I was asked to.
Nice catch Fallon. I edited the address, it was in the North Florida section. I believe the address line was intended to give a general location in big cities such as Dallas, Atlanta, etc. I always leave it blank or just omit that line.
Tekase's Avatar
I see your point about setting precedence. I have asked the mod to remove the location.
LarryLegend's Avatar
So what I'm hearing is if I say motel at I65 and airport, that is a no no!
Tekase's Avatar
No, I think the problem was it was incall at her house.
TravelinTony's Avatar
Please please do not ever list any specific location info in a review. Originally Posted by Fallon Kelly
Yeah, I was thinking about that when reading some reviews, where the name and location of a motel is given. I'm surprised they don't give the room number, too.

As a sidenote, I appreciate reading your posts, Fallon.
You appear to have your stuff together.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Fallon, you are so right. Good to see the problem has been corrected.
bladtinzu's Avatar
No, I think the problem was it was incall at her house. Originally Posted by Tekase
If it is incall at her house then I would say something like general area like SE Mobile ect. But hotels.. Something like Hwy 280 area or Lakeshore area ect works as most guys like to know ahead of time the general area a woman stays in when she is in town. I know myself for one will not venture in some areas armed or not just because so many BP chicks use them they are over run by the popo.

Private houses I agree are out. And we all know better than to say something like room 6969 at the Many Pleasures Inn and Suites off Hwy 280..
Even if it's at a hotel, I don't think it's wise or tactful to state the exact one. Maybe "nice hotel near XX" or something like that?