Playboy's chief executive says nudity is "just passé at this juncture"

Playboy recently announced that they will no longer be publishing photos of fully nude women in their print publication. I'm curious to see which direction they will go in once they scale back. I'm not an avid Playboy reader, but they are an iconic institution partly due to their history of attempting to expand America's boundaries regarding sexuality and nudity.

Playboy to Drop Nudity as Internet Fills Demand


I read that too. Pretty interesting. But it does sound like a business decision. Not to compare PB to porn. But the Internet & easy (often free) instant access to porn has changed PB's market over time. I think what they're trying to do is tone it down a bit so they can then market it more like Maxim does theirs, for a wider audience. Which actually makes alot of business sense. I do believe most feel it won't be the same without the full nudity. That's part of their whole "history of attempting to expand America's boundaries" as you stated. Glad you brought this up. I love their tasteful spreads!! XO
At this point, there are no boundaries let to expand in America.

The most bizarre porn imaginable is available at the click of a mouse.

Nudity is not much of a draw. Better to go PG-13 like Maxim and attract better writers and a larger audience to try to make money.