NAFTA’s Impact on U.S. Workers

By establishing the principle that U.S. corporations could relocate production elsewhere and sell back into the United States, NAFTA undercut the bargaining power of American workers, which had driven the expansion of the middle class since the end of World War II. The result has been 20 years of stagnant wages and the upward redistribution of income, wealth and political power.

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Interestingly, Trump and Clinton share the same views about NAFTA. Former President Bill Clinton admitted he thinks it was a mistake.
Guest123018-4's Avatar

Diana Walker / Time Life Pictures / GettyPresident Bill Clinton promotes NAFTA at the United States Chamber of Commerce in November, 1993.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Bill also thought that his inaction on Rwanda was also a mistake.
Bill said that his failure to take Bin Laden from Sudan was also a mistake.

Just the tip and SS wants to give him a third term.
ICU 812's Avatar
What impact has NAFtA had on Providers near the border with Canada? I am thinking of places like Seatle, Detroit and maybe North-Eastern cities.

Does proximity to Cnada drive down doation rates, or is there an availability/scarcvety of service effect.

what does fluctuating exchande rates do? Do hobbyists from Canada make the trip south ? Does a strong Dollar affect the traffic north?
What impact has NAFtA had on Providers near the border with Canada? I am thinking of places like Seatle, Detroit and maybe North-Eastern cities.

Does proximity to Cnada drive down doation rates, or is there an availability/scarcvety of service effect.

what does fluctuating exchande rates do? Do hobbyists from Canada make the trip south ? Does a strong Dollar affect the traffic north? Originally Posted by ICU 812
How in the world does your post relate in any way to my thread, or couldn't you think of anything better to say. . .and with one bump. . .
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Diana Walker / Time Life Pictures / GettyPresident Bill Clinton promotes NAFTA at the United States Chamber of Commerce in November, 1993. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Clinton is the real criminal of NAFTA. remember this guy who warned against NAFTA?

he was right. idiots.
Clinton is the real criminal of NAFTA. remember this guy who warned against NAFTA?

he was right. idiots. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Bill Clinton later admitted, several times, that he was wrong about NAFTA. Hillary Clinton also states she is against NAFTA and agrees with Trump (who is also against NAFTA). How many times do I have to say this? Clinton admits he made a mistake!!!

If only Bush would admit he made a mistake by invading Iraq. . .
I B Hankering's Avatar

Transcript: Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator explains Iraq strike

SLICK WILLIE: Good evening.

Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.

Their purpose is to protect the national interest of the United States, and indeed the interests of people throughout the Middle East and around the world.

Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons.

I want to explain why I have decided, with the unanimous recommendation of my national security team, to use force in Iraq; why we have acted now; and what we aim to accomplish.

Six weeks ago, Saddam Hussein announced that he would no longer cooperate with the United Nations weapons inspectors called UNSCOM. They are highly professional experts from dozens of countries. Their job is to oversee the elimination of Iraq's capability to retain, create and use weapons of mass destruction, and to verify that Iraq does not attempt to rebuild that capability. (CNN)
Bill Clinton later admitted, several times, that he was wrong about NAFTA. Hillary Clinton also states she is against NAFTA and agrees with Trump (who is also against NAFTA). How many times do I have to say this? Clinton admits he made a mistake!!!

If only Bush would admit he made a mistake by invading Iraq. . . Originally Posted by SassySue
Slick Willy ONLY admits a mistake when it's a good political move ( like to get his wife elected so he can go back to trolling interns in the White House ) or when the authorities have him dead to rights and going to convict the lying sexual predator. Until then, it's more of the patented Clinton line of " I did NOT..." GFY lib !
Slick Willy ONLY admits a mistake when it's a good political move ( like to get his wife elected so he can go back to trolling interns in the White House ) or when the authorities have him dead to rights and going to convict the lying sexual predator. Until then, it's more of the patented Clinton line of " I did NOT..." GFY lib ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
It was all over the news when when former President Bill Clinton admitted he was wrong about NAFTA. Guess you believe what you want to believe. So be it. Yes, President Clinton may have cheated with Monica L. Big deal. That has nothing to do with his job as President. And he did a much better job than Bush. That's my personal opinion.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Slick Willy ONLY admits a mistake when it's a good political move ( like to get his wife elected so he can go back to trolling interns in the White House ) or when the authorities have him dead to rights and going to convict the lying sexual predator. Until then, it's more of the patented Clinton line of " I did NOT..." GFY lib ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Just like when Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator says he "regrets" signing the Financial Modernization Bill into law setting in motion the deregulation measures that facilitated the market crash in 2007-08; yet, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, Odumbo, hildebeest and the lying dim-retards in this forum still excoriate W for the time bomb Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator set in motion.

"It is true that the Glass-Steagall law is no longer appropriate to the economy in which we lived. It worked pretty well for the industrial economy, which was highly organized, much more centralized and much more nationalized than the one in which we operate today. But the world is very different." Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, 11/12/1999 (Department of Treasury)

It was all over the news when when former President Bill Clinton admitted he was wrong about NAFTA. Guess you believe what you want to believe. So be it. Yes, President Clinton may have cheated with Monica L. Big deal. That has nothing to do with his job as President. And he did a much better job than Bush. That's my personal opinion. Originally Posted by SassySue
That's right, you disingenuous wench, glaze over the fact that as the chief executive officer in this country, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator was Constitutionally charged to enforce this nation's laws and not commit perjury, suborn perjury and intimidate witnesses in order to deny an injured party a fair hearing in court.
It was all over the news when when former President Bill Clinton admitted he was wrong about NAFTA. Guess you believe what you want to believe. So be it. Yes, President Clinton may have cheated with Monica L. Big deal. That has nothing to do with his job as President. And he did a much better job than Bush. That's my personal opinion. Originally Posted by SassySue
Keep making excuses for an amoral, convicted, lying, sexual predator all you want lib ! Reckon shriLIARy will ban all blue dresses in the White House if she is elected " !!?
The Bush administration did nothing more than finance the industrial war complex and its constituents. He also gave tax credits to the super rich and on capital gains which increased the deficit even more. He borrowed from the social security trust fund to finance the wars and the tax credits. Much of the debt that Obama inherited was Bush's fault. Cannot blame it all on Obama.
The Bush administration did nothing more than finance the industrial war complex and its constituents. He also gave tax credits to the super rich and on capital gains which increased the deficit even more. He borrowed from the social security trust fund to finance the wars and the tax credits. Much of the debt that Obama inherited was Bush's fault. Cannot blame it all on Obama. Originally Posted by SassySue
You're a day late and TRILLIONS of dollars shot, ya lyin lib ! The "Blame Bush " chant of you "progressives" hasn't been in the talking points for over 3 years now ! Who ever is paying YOU to spam the board ought to doc your pay for not keeping up. YOUR boy has been in office for 7 1/2 years to date and DOUBLED the national debt. HE INCREASED THE DEBT IN 7 1/2 YEARS TO THE AMOUNT THAT 43 OTHER PRESIDENTS BEFORE HIM HAD PUSHED IT TO !!!
You're a day late and TRILLIONS of dollars shot, ya lyin lib ! The "Blame Bush " chant of you "progressives" hasn't been in the talking points for over 3 years now ! Who ever is paying YOU to spam the board ought to doc your pay for not keeping up. YOUR boy has been in office for 7 1/2 years to date and DOUBLED the national debt. HE INCREASED THE DEBT IN 7 1/2 YEARS TO THE AMOUNT THAT 43 OTHER PRESIDENTS BEFORE HIM HAD PUSHED IT TO !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Read this article carefully and then double check your facts. Click on the links in the article. See how the deficit has actually gone down since Obama took office. He also is the smallest government spender since Eisenhower and that is a fact!