
Hi everyone. I'm Janessa's new assistant. Just saying hello. I'll be handling all the scheduling and email for her. You can still PM her, however I've asked her to step aside from the internet stuff for a little while and just focus on doing what she does best and letting me handle this end.

If anyone has any questions feel free to call the number listed on her ads, its forwarded to me now and I'm handling the email account as well. Or you can just PM me here.

I plan to keep things more organized and easier on everyone then a busy provider can on her own trying to do all of this inbetween appointments and real life. You can ask me anything, LOL I'm not shy.

I look forward to maintaining the positive relationships she has built with existing clients and building new ones.
jgregory's Avatar
She hired someone from Nevada??? Once again the plot thickens and another lie comes out, I doubt any of us would actually believe that someone registered on here in Nevada is going to come to Corn state Iowa to work for a provider? Can you say Agency, we certainly can.

Nice try however!
  • Rigin
  • 12-08-2011, 11:19 AM
I have a question.......were you unable to locate the introduction thread? In a single post you seem to be the perfect match for your new "client". Good thing is, you really couldn't make her reputation any worse.

Oh ya. Welcome.
She hired someone from Nevada??? Once again the plot thickens and another lie comes out, I doubt any of us would actually believe that someone registered on here in Nevada is going to come to Corn state Iowa to work for a provider? Can you say Agency, we certainly can.

Nice try however! Originally Posted by jgregory
Why would I need to live in Iowa to answer phones from Iowa?

Did you know that most call centers now are in India? LOL just kidding, no one outside of Iowa has phones, your right.

But really, I could be sitting in France and answer all the calls and emails. I work all over, physical presence is not necessary. I dont even see how it would be helpful to tell you the truth.
I have a question.......were you unable to locate the introduction thread? In a single post you seem to be the perfect match for your new "client". Good thing is, you really couldn't make her reputation any worse.

Oh ya. Welcome. Originally Posted by Rigin
This is a discussion so people can ask questions. Not an introduction really. So that would be wrong section. This makes more sense.
jgregory's Avatar
Your right most call centers are in India, and most agencies do the answering for their providers such as you are, you have just proven that your client/provider is a liar and that in fact when she stated in her previous post that she retained you as a assistant, it's the other way around you retained her, because we all are quite sure her business has went down hill with the wonderful attitude she has.
Your right most call centers are in India, and most agencies do the answering for their providers such as you are, you have just proven that your client/provider is a liar and that in fact when she stated in her previous post that she retained you as a assistant, it's the other way around you retained her, because we all are quite sure her business has went down hill with the wonderful attitude she has. Originally Posted by jgregory
Nope, I'm not the boss at all.

LOL and come on, theres about 10 of you on here for the whole state of Iowa. You guys mean absolutely nothing. I mean really, theres more providers listed on here then there are hobbyists for Iowa. Thats pretty bad math for the girls if you actually think you represent the hobby in this state. Trust me, you dont.

Nothing thats said on here makes one bit of difference in call volume. The reviews are nice because clients want to know that someone isnt a cop and the pictures are accurate.

But other then that its meaningless. You guys are about 1/10 of 1% of the iowa hobbyists.
Nope, I'm not the boss at all.

LOL and come on, theres about 10 of you on here for the whole state of Iowa. You guys mean absolutely nothing. I mean really, theres more providers listed on here then there are hobbyists for Iowa. Thats pretty bad math for the girls if you actually think you represent the hobby in this state. Trust me, you dont.

Nothing thats said on here makes one bit of difference in call volume. The reviews are nice because clients want to know that someone isnt a cop and the pictures are accurate.

But other then that its meaningless. You guys are about 1/10 of 1% of the iowa hobbyists. Originally Posted by carmyne

WOOOOOOOWWWWW carmyne way to start off on the right foot... telling the hobbyist that support your client they are meaningless.
And if you know sooo much about the hobby, you would know that its more than just not being a cop and accurate pics, bc 75% of the time if guys wanted to be with a negative hateful person they would go home to their wives and get it for free. I would just go ahead and stop before you do more damage to her than what shes done to herself, bc you sure arent helping her right now.
  • Rigin
  • 12-08-2011, 07:10 PM
Lol...good thing she hired you to take over her internet dealings you seem to have a much better grasp on it.
And alot of the guys that are active on Eccie also are on all the major boards in Iowa as well.. and alot of guys that dont post.. do read everything on these boards whether they are active in current conversations or not... And they also talk amongst themselves more so than any provider knows.. BUT hey youre half right, if you count the scrubs on BP that dont know any better YOURE WINNING!!!!!! so yeahhh thumbs up on that one... *SMH* I thought the point of a "handler" is to handle the situation better than you can yourself... Especially when youre only in ONE CITY in Iowa, you would think the last thing you would want to do is say that said hobbyist are "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING" . So if you think they are absolutely nothing maybe they should just spend their hard earned roses on someone that actually half way cares about their happiness
jgregory's Avatar
Totally agree with Kay, I truly am one who believes that there is no Carmyn or Carmine, I believe strongly this is another attempt by Janessa to try to bring attention to herself since her business has declined so much she has to resort to BP for customers.
As for us hobbyists being nothing, maybe we all should boycott Janessa which most of already do, so stick to the safe BP and deal with the LE and others.
Good Luck Janessa aka Carmyn
Denver Broncos's Avatar
You pointed out the that there are 10 people for the state of Iowa on this board and that means nothing? ignorance is bliss
Wonder if she is going to mention this on back page......
You pointed out the that there are 10 people for the state of Iowa on this board and that means nothing? ignorance is bliss
Wonder if she is going to mention this on back page...... Originally Posted by Denver Broncos
Yes nothing. nothing at all.

There's places in this country where to work you absolutely have to be on a local board.

pdx and meet and greets in phoenix,
the other board in denver
island board in hawaii if you want local clients,
TNA in the NW
This site in texas
rsk in chicago.
NY has several small local boards.
until recently to work in NM you had to be on southwest companions
Other areas like L.A. and vegas you can get by on TER just fine.

But here in the midwest or in the south? Outside of Texas and Chicago they just dont matter much.

I'm sorry if that offends your sense of how important you think you should be but its just a fact. Maybe one day these boards or some other site will grow and be as important as those other boards are in their areas, but that day hasnt come yet.
Totally agree with Kay, I truly am one who believes that there is no Carmyn or Carmine, I believe strongly this is another attempt by Janessa to try to bring attention to herself since her business has declined so much she has to resort to BP for customers.
As for us hobbyists being nothing, maybe we all should boycott Janessa which most of already do, so stick to the safe BP and deal with the LE and others.
Good Luck Janessa aka Carmyn Originally Posted by jgregory
Your opinion isnt relevant.

LOL and kay posts on BP too.
It matters to everyone on this board, your employee, provider, client has made to many and I mean to many snide remarks about members, providers and thinks she is way above the rules of the game and better then others.

Now you pop in and are going to save all these problems for her? Yea right, spare us your stories and bogus knowledge for you have very little.

Let's see:

West Coast Premier providers use Eros or Redbook
You can use adult search in any state
Cityvibe you can use in any state

So see some of us hobbyists know where the real providers are and certainly not on BP, so your wisdom once again falls short.

As for Janessa which this is probaly you, what's going to happen when you continue to piss of these eccie members because we mean nothing and one of them resorts to blasting you all over these sites with bad reviews?

The magic of the keyboard and mouse can do one's career in this business very good or bad, teach her that Carmyn.

By the way the new pics on BP well they sure make those boobs look deflated, are you on that new staff edit prohibited topic diet?

Good luck and remember we do matter!