Iranian navy commander threatens US ships

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As ridiculous as this threat is I have to wonder what side some of our posters will come down on.

Iranian ship sailing through the Baja Canal near California
LexusLover's Avatar

"Everybody" knows that Obaminable and Kerry are keeping us safe.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I hope the translations are reliable. But there is little reason to think our officials and media would not spin the translations in an anti-Iranian light.

I am willing to believe what our our officials say at the negotiations has a different tone and content than what they say to our press.

It is perfectly reasonable for Iran to put forces in proximity to an adversary that has forces in proximity to Iran. It is unreasonable to expect otherwise.
LexusLover's Avatar
Considering that Veracruz was a German U-Boat base during WWII, I would suspect the Persians enjoy some shore leave in some of the hotspots up and down the Pacific coast.

The Iranian butterfly would implode and evaporate

.......................from a U.S. bee sting before an SOS would begin.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I hope the translations are reliable. But there is little reason to think our officials and media would not spin the translations in an anti-Iranian light.

I am willing to believe what our our officials say at the negotiations has a different tone and content than what they say to our press.

It is perfectly reasonable for Iran to put forces in proximity to an adversary that has forces in proximity to Iran. It is unreasonable to expect otherwise. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Actually it would be more reasonable for a peaceful entity to want to protec their homeland before they want to threaten someone else. Before you say that the US is doing just that, remember that the US navy has been patrolling on the high seas for over a century without a provocative action or words.
BigLouie's Avatar
If they get into US waters half the crew will prolly jump ship. I am sure we have a sub railing them
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Actually it would be more reasonable for a peaceful entity to want to protec their homeland before they want to threaten someone else. Before you say that the US is doing just that, remember that the US navy has been patrolling on the high seas for over a century without a provocative action or words. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It is not for me to determine what is reasonable for the Iranians to do. I do not credit the navy with a century of zero provocation.
LexusLover's Avatar
If they get into US waters half the crew will prolly jump ship. I am sure we have a sub railing them Originally Posted by BigLouie
Imaging .... that can is an horizon job. Fodder for practice . Oops.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If we didn't have such an incredible technological advantage, all those gay guys led by women Admirals in the social engineering program going by the name "Navy" probably couldn't even beat a third rate, raggedy ass country like Iran.
The entire Iranian Navy would be gone in a couple of hours.

But that isn't the point with them. They would gladly let their small, cheap destroyers get sunk in return for the publicity coup of sinking a US aircraft carrier.

That is what the Iranian admiral was referring to when he mentioned the "5000 crews". Our big carriers have 5000+ member crews.

They just need one lucky missile shot to wreak havoc.

That helps make the case that the US needs to move to a Navy of a lot more ships that are much smaller and cheaper.

Just as we are moving to cheaper, unmanned drones in lieu of big, expensive fighter jets.
LexusLover's Avatar
They just need one lucky missile shot to wreak havoc. Originally Posted by ExNYer
The sad fact is this limp-wristed excuse for a CIC would do NOTHING in response that would even remotely equal the damage or deter another "lucky" attempt.

He would huff and puff for weeks and then start talking about ____________ (fill in blank)..
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
One lucky attempt is all you need, once the world sees that a aircraft carrier can be taken out using cheap destroyers, the reign of the aircraft carrier will be over, US force projection will take a serious hit, Aircraft carriers will become like the battleship.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-10-2014, 05:23 PM
The sad fact is this limp-wristed excuse for a CIC would do NOTHING in response that would even remotely equal the damage or deter another "lucky" attempt.

He would huff and puff for weeks and then start talking about ____________ (fill in blank).. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Or he could attack the wrong damn country like GW Bush did followed by his merry band of cheerleaders like yourself!

The sad fact is this limp-wristed excuse for a CIC would do NOTHING in response that would even remotely equal the damage or deter another "lucky" attempt.

He would huff and puff for weeks and then start talking about ____________ (fill in blank).. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Or he could attack the wrong damn country like GW Bush did followed by his merry band of cheerleaders like yourself! Originally Posted by WTF
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Or he could attack the wrong damn country like GW Bush did followed by his merry band of cheerleaders like yourself!

Originally Posted by WTF

Really? And what was the right damn country to attack in your opinion? Let's see.... was it the one that Bill Clinton and other democrats said had weapons of mass destruction?

It really doesnt matter what country it long as you Cut and Run huh?