Answering the question...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A while back I asked a question in response to many other questions. What would you do? A lot of people seem to think that that is a good response in a debate of ideas but I was curious and not arguing. All of these minds out here, bickering, and hating but what would you do if given the chance and power? I kind of set it up like this;

Somehow you've become the President of the United States (nevermind how) and the country is united behind you, the press is currently on your side, and you have just enough of a majority in both Houses that you can write your own ticket within reason, What would you do? What problems do you identify? How do you fix them or remove them? What is going to be your legacy project? You can do nothing that goes against the Constitution or is otherwise illegal. Anything too radical is going to fail in one of the two Houses as you have only a razor thin majority. Here is my answer.

The economy is problem number one.
Reduce unemployment
Increase energy independence
Bring back business to the US
Unlease the people to create jobs

Approve the Keystone pipeline, fast track any necessary legislation to the oil and jobs flowing.
Let the Green Energy movement find their own financing. Cut the subsidies to ethanol as well. I hope they do well and make a fortune but not on the backs of American taxpayers.
Taxes are always paid by the consumer. Reduce the corporate tax rate to 5% making it one of the lowest in the world.
Review all environmental regulations for the last 10 years. Look at the net result. Any regulation found to have no purpose will be repealed.
Lease government lands for exploration and production of energy. Production must happen to maintain the lease.
Begin a project to rebuild the infrastructure of the United States. This means roads, highways, dams, water and power distribution, airports, and port facilites.
Control the southern border and waterways around it with physical fencing and electronic fencing.

Since the electrical grid is in private hands...encourage current companies to start hardening the grid to terrorism, solar flares, and EMP. Encourage can be through tax abatement, credits, and long term regulation.

National Security is next on the list;

Rebuild our army from the ground up. Retire several political generals and admirals. Replace them with warriors and thinking men (or women).
If Karzid can't get it under control within six months we are gone. Since we're footing the bill, we're calling the shots. I don't expect Karzid to survive and if he does he is not welcome in the US. US troops will stay in secure areas unless a serious target presents it self.
If we find any support coming in from Iran, Iraq, or Pakistan it will be targetted and destroyed.
The United States will withdraw from the United Nations immediately and they will be asked to leave the country within six months. The United States will initiate a new collection of nations. Nations that believe in a representative government and are willing to defend that. Membership is by invitation only. No one is entitled to belong.
The Somalia pirate problem will be eliminated with the elimination of the Somali pirates.
We will expand Diego Garcia with a floating combined forces base. I envision a port facility, fast reaction ships and aircraft, ground pounders, and special ops.

The space program will reinitiate with both a permanent orbitting station (allied with private money) but a couple of long range stations. Why? Someday a big rock is going to hit the earth. When and not if. The further out that we can see this the better and for that we needs in space, manned or unmanned. The goal of the new space program is exploration for purposes of exploitation. We are looking for raw minerals and resources. Who knows, you might get your working solar power this way.

Internally, the EPA is going to be downsized by 50%, the TSA will be reduced to supervisory and training role, expect an 80% downsize. Airport security will go private. The IRS is going to be purged from the lawless elements. Consider a number of prison sentences for those that overstepped their authority. Think the Nuremberg trials. Think a 30% downsizing.
The White House will push for a balanced budget amendment, an English as the official langauge law, some final immigration reform.
Anyone in this country illegally is a criminal and will be treated as such. Anyone who wishes to leave voluntarily will be given a amnesty for one time. Redicovery inside the United States will be punished. Adult children (21 and above) of those who are illegal
will be given an opportunity to become citizens if they have no criminal records. This is a one time opportunity. Non adult children of illegal aliens can leave with their parents or stay with relatives and become citizens.
This is not all encompassing and a lot of rules need to be worked out since you're dealing with so many people but an appeals court will be established for immigration only. The bottom line is that criminals are not needed in the US, gangbangers are enemy combatants and will be treated as such, the drug trade is going to be stopped. Victims of sex trafficking and abuse will be helped.

I guess that border, electric grid, and highway system will be the legacy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since no one responded to the first challenge last month, here you are. Another chance to astonish us all with your brilliance.