Scat Brownies

I finally mailed my first order of scat brownies. The postal worker said the package smelled delicious and asked if I would bake her some too. LOL!

I was just worried about getting the package mailed. I was not prepared to get propositioned. She gave me her number and I said I would give her a call.

I just had to share.
Raw dog's Avatar
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Of course if you did and didn't tell her what was in them and she got ill or someone she let's eat them gets ill or dies your going to jail if them figured out it was from your brownies, also senting biohazardous material in the mail not properly labeled and packaged as such will get you arrested also. The more you know....
I finally mailed my first order of scat brownies. The postal worker said the package smelled delicious and asked if I would bake her some too. LOL!

I was just worried about getting the package mailed. I was not prepared to get propositioned. She gave me her number and I said I would give her a call.

I just had to share. Originally Posted by Goddess Emma Love

So where is the link to place orders at? Are you a seller on
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 09-04-2014, 08:56 AM
Nasty. Both you and him need help.
tracer's Avatar
I just had to share. Originally Posted by Goddess Emma Love
No, you didn't.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 09-04-2014, 01:39 PM
I just have to ask. What is the recipe?
tracer's Avatar
I just have to ask. Originally Posted by jan-w
No, you don't.
Most, if not all, the nasty germs that people worry about with scat would be killed off by being baked.

Not my cup of tea, but I choose to respect the decisions of consenting adults.
tracer's Avatar
Most, if not all, the nasty germs that people worry about with scat would be killed off by being baked.

Not my cup of tea, but I choose to respect the decisions of consenting adults. Originally Posted by SAangel27
All decisions? You make no judgments? Ever?
All decisions? You make no judgments? Ever? Originally Posted by tracer
Notice how I wrote consenting adults. I have all sorts of judgement reserved for the snuff enthusiast, pedophile, rapist, and sheep humper.

Not judging someone doesn't mean you would partake in your own life. It just means I don't think any less of them as a person and won't tell them to stop the activities they enjoy safely.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Notice how I wrote consenting adults. I have all sorts of judgement reserved for the snuff enthusiast, pedophile, rapist, and sheep humper.

Not judging someone doesn't mean you would partake in your own life. It just means I don't think any less of them as a person and won't tell them to stop the activities they enjoy safely. Originally Posted by SAangel27
then it should stay between those adults, not where those who find this type of behaviour deviant to the extreme range. if you want to eat shit go right ahead, but if I know you eat shit then you will be judged accordingly.
tracer's Avatar
Notice how I wrote consenting adults. I have all sorts of judgement reserved for the snuff enthusiast, pedophile, rapist, and sheep humper.

Not judging someone doesn't mean you would partake in your own life. It just means I don't think any less of them as a person and won't tell them to stop the activities they enjoy safely. Originally Posted by SAangel27
What if the person snuffed in the snuff film consented? What about severe mutilation? Let's say someone posts an ad searching for someone to consent to having their hands removed... or eyes . You would have no judgment for either the person wishing to perform the mutilation nor the person consenting? There is no point at which you would say "wait a minute, these people need help for their own good"?

Note, I am not flame throwing these topics; merely stating that some things are outside the lines. I don't know exactly where I draw the line...though surely somewhere short of this. I fully respect your right to draw the line in a different place, but to say there should be no lines is silly.
  • Blaze
  • 09-05-2014, 04:22 PM

Note, I am not flame throwing these topics; merely stating that some things are outside the lines. I don't know exactly where I draw the line...though surely somewhere short of this. I fully respect your right to draw the line in a different place, but to say there should be no lines is silly. Originally Posted by tracer

Whoaa, whats with all the hostility? I thought this forum was for those who color outside the lines? I'm with SAangel27, this isn't part of my color wheel and don't want to know if another does,,, whilst we are together. But to each their own. This topic looks like this on paper.....

What if the person snuffed in the snuff film consented? What about severe mutilation? Let's say someone posts an ad searching for someone to consent to having their hands removed... or eyes . You would have no judgment for either the person wishing to perform the mutilation nor the person consenting? There is no point at which you would say "wait a minute, these people need help for their own good"?

Note, I am not flame throwing these topics; merely stating that some things are outside the lines. I don't know exactly where I draw the line...though surely somewhere short of this. I fully respect your right to draw the line in a different place, but to say there should be no lines is silly. Originally Posted by tracer

Reading comprehension wasn't your strong point in school was it? Read the second bolded word in my last response. Think real hard.