Alex Jones Interview on BBC. What an idiot

The first clue that someone is a lying scam artist is that he begins to shout you down as soon as you make your case.

Here is the YouTube link:!

If you are a fan of this guy, you should be ashamed.
He's part of the "grassy knoll" crowd that makes a living off outlandish pronouncemnts.

He does have a right to spew his tripe, but I also have the right to ignore him.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-20-2013, 02:17 PM
he IS an idiot, 4sure

hard to imagine people actually listen to his tripe much less take stock in his words
Idiots like Jones are about money. Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, all of's the conservative entertainment industry. Dimwits like JD and Whirly worship these morons and believe every word they utter....when, in reality, it's got nothing to do with ideology...well, maybe a little. But, it's mostly about these clowns making money off the idiots who listen to them and buy their books.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've read rumors that Alex Jones is a CIA plant designed to make the Liberty Movement look ridiculous. I don't believe that, because I can't imagine the CIA would come up with something that is working so well.
JCM800's Avatar
hey he's starting to cry ....better leave him alone.