Good news from the Clinton Foundation

bambino's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
One comment in the article confirms something I suspected. Their base contributions are in the form of pledges (which would make sense) and it appears that some of the people/entities who/which pledged are defaulting on their pledges. I can image if they fell 1/3+ in 2015 they cratered in 2016 and went to zero after the election results.

The money problems with the foundation indicate that some contributors, at least, have reason to believe they are not funding a philanthropic organization as much as they believed. Additionally since they have nothing to trade in the way of benefits from "their government" ... there is no reason to give them any money now.

When the shit hit the fan is when the fraud claims start surfacing.

That'll make Trumps university look like pissing in a hurricane.
bambino's Avatar
One comment in the article confirms something I suspected. Their base contributions are in the form of pledges (which would make sense) and it appears that some of the people/entities who/which pledged are defaulting on their pledges. I can image if they fell 1/3+ in 2015 they cratered in 2016 and went to zero after the election results.

The money problems with the foundation indicate that some contributors, at least, have reason to believe they are not funding a philanthropic organization as much as they believed. Additionally since they have nothing to trade in the way of benefits from "their government" ... there is no reason to give them any money now.

When the shit hit the fan is when the fraud claims start surfacing.

That'll make Trumps university look like pissing in a hurricane. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
The "fraud" is not accepting the money on the basis of promising to do the donor's favors in the government after HillaryNoMore is elected ...

.. the "fraud" is accepting the money on the basis that it will be dispersed for philanthropic purposes throughout the World ... as opposed to supporting the Clintons and paying for their daughter's wedding.
pyramider's Avatar
Does anyone hope Hillary dies broke and homeless?
LexusLover's Avatar
Does anyone hope Hillary dies broke and homeless? Originally Posted by pyramider
I don't know of anyone who does.

Personally, if a cook can go to prison for lying to the feds a former Secretary of State out to have to spend some quality time in there. I realize she's a celebrity and all, but that just makes her more delicious for Saturday Nights out in the general population party.
bambino's Avatar
Does anyone hope Hillary dies broke and homeless? Originally Posted by pyramider
No. maybe Asswipe.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Not only did contributions drop, but so did revenue the Clintons brought in from speeches. That income fell to $357,500 from $3.6 million in 2014.
Thats quite a pay cut.
LexusLover's Avatar
Thats quite a pay cut. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
It is my understanding that most who win the Lotto are soon broke.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
All I want is justice, just like everybody else does.
How many others would get the same pass that she did?
LexusLover's Avatar
All I want is justice, just like everybody else does.
How many others would get the same pass that she did? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
She just got step one in "Due Process"!

I believe Bill won't be having any tarmac meetings with Sessions.*

*Note to self: Review Bill's blow-jobs-on-the tarmac history.
All I want is justice, just like everybody else does.
How many others would get the same pass that she did? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
justice is the equal application of the law

I doubt it will be applied
Guest123018-4's Avatar
We can only wait and have HOPE that it will CHANGE so that we can BELIEVE IN it.
bambino's Avatar
We can only wait and have HOPE that it will CHANGE so that we can BELIEVE IN it. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
She will be in a wheelchair soon. So will he. Clinton Foundation is done. Fuckem.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Does anyone hope Hillary dies broke and homeless? Originally Posted by pyramider
as long as she dies tomorrow i don't care how much "donations" they got. that would leave Bill holding the bag bahhaaaaa he better hope none of the Donald's "friends" come by to collect ...