hillary clinton hits new hampshire

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

it looks like she is campaigning this being disguised as a speaking tour.

I think she is going to enter the race.
Run, Hillary, run...er, don't fall, Hillary, don't fall!
  • oeb11
  • 05-10-2019, 08:00 AM
Biden, Bernie, Hillary - the party of DPST Old White Folks.

Very different than the DPST extremist agenda for people of color and Plantation politics.

Shows the DPST "Master' still rule the party!!!!
I Hope Hillary is nominated again- What Fun!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Run, Hillary, run...er, don't fall, Hillary, don't fall! Originally Posted by gnadfly

dunno, this sounds more like Weekends at Hillarys.
bambino's Avatar
She’s looking for her stolen Presidency.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I hope she runs I need a good joke ,
Her slogan could be "This time we don't have to steal the nomination from Bernie."
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I thought you were suggesting like an iceberg.

it looks like she is campaigning this being disguised as a speaking tour.

I think she is going to enter the race. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
If she were smart enough to listen to that sly old dog Bill she could win the race.

He may be a rapist and a lying sumbitch, but he has great political instincts and knew failing to suck up to the blue collar folks lost her a few swing states, and thereby the race.

If she learned her lesson and listens to Bill this time, she could win.
  • grean
  • 05-10-2019, 12:47 PM
If she were smart enough to listen to that sly old dog Bill she could win the race.

He may be a rapist and a lying sumbitch, but he has great political instincts and knew failing to suck up to the blue collar folks lost her a few swing states, and thereby the race.

If she learned her lesson and listens to Bill this time, she could win. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Depending on the rest of this year, the Democrats may have a shot, as long as they do not run Hilary. If she gets in the race, I think that would almost solidify his re-election.
She's pretty toxic, still.

I said they may have a shot. I didn't speak to how good of one. No one get their tampons all twisted and stuck in the wrong hole or anything.