Mueller entrapped Papadapolous

It's pretty much spelled out here. To give summary: FBI/CIA guy lures Pap to Isreal. Guy gives Pap $10K for "consulting" and promises another 10K each month. Papadapolous gives money to lawyer in Greece before returning to the US. At US, Pap at Customs, they search his bags no money. They scramble to get a warrant and walk away with nothing.

A big set up by Weismann, the Democratic hatchetman of the Lawfare team that's trying to undo a fair election.

Yeah, get Mueller and Weismann in front of Congress
bambino's Avatar
Of course he did. Just like Comey entrapped Flynn.
Redhot1960's Avatar
It's pretty much spelled out here. To give summary: FBI/CIA guy lures Pap to Isreal. Guy gives Pap $10K for "consulting" and promises another 10K each month. Papadapolous gives money to lawyer in Greece before returning to the US. At US, Pap at Customs, they search his bags no money. They scramble to get a warrant and walk away with nothing.

A big set up by Weismann, the Democratic hatchetman of the Lawfare team that's trying to undo a fair election.

Yeah, get Mueller and Weismann in front of Congress Originally Posted by gnadfly
From the comments of this same article I have been reading slowly since 6:30am this morning. I just came across this. FUCK Mueller and Weismann! Same shit except "WE" got PDJTs back, BIGLY.

Are "WE" going to have RULE OF LAW or a civil war? It's up to you, 0beymemes.

onevoiceinamerica says:
May 12, 2019 at 2:09 am
I recently saw this video about how badly an AZ Rep Renzi was treated by the Just Us system. Crazy stuff!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's pretty much spelled out here. To give summary: FBI/CIA guy lures Pap to Isreal. Guy gives Pap $10K for "consulting" and promises another 10K each month. Papadapolous gives money to lawyer in Greece before returning to the US. At US, Pap at Customs, they search his bags no money. They scramble to get a warrant and walk away with nothing.

A big set up by Weismann, the Democratic hatchetman of the Lawfare team that's trying to undo a fair election.

Yeah, get Mueller and Weismann in front of Congress Originally Posted by gnadfly

the best parts are that now it's all coming out into the light of day because Trump actually won. and it turns out Papadapolous was far more savvy than Mueller thought. they thought this would be easy peasy. Not so much, eh?

lustylad's Avatar
Hey folks, I just came across a photo of that Azra Turk babe who was hired by Comey to seduce Pap into confessing to Russian collusion. She looks vaguely familiar!

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I think I just threw up a little bit.
bambino's Avatar
Hey folks, I just came across a photo of that Azra Turk babe who was hired by Comey to seduce Pap into confessing to Russian collusion. She looks vaguely familiar!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Looks like Gabs.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Looks like Gabs. Originally Posted by bambino


dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Looks like Gabs. Originally Posted by bambino


Barbra Streisand?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Barbra Streisand? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

inside joke known only to PGH posters and occasional interlopers named TWK.


if Gabs and Babs were the last two bitches on Earth i'd move to Mars.
bambino's Avatar
inside joke known only to PGH posters and occasional interlopers named TWK.


if Gabs and Babs were the last two bitches on Earth i'd move to Mars. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Actually, I saw a recent picture of Gabs. Looks like she just jumped out of a St Vincent box.
  • oeb11
  • 05-13-2019, 07:49 AM