Ever since I first came back to rejoin ECCIE 3 years ago, I have had many reasons to believe that my own Step Dad is a active hobbyist on here & could possibly be one of the many gents that puts bad publicity my way whenever possible in hopes to get me off the site before I finally catch on to him. I hate sounding paranoid since I usually avoid all paranoia talk as much as possible, that's probably why I have avoided posting this for so long.
The thing is I'm not paranoid about ANYONE finding out that I'm a provider. I was adopted at a young age and my only family is an estranged Mom and 3 Brothers who have seen way worse behavior from young women growing up in LA,CA . I haven't bothered even trying to hide my escorting from my friends . Just trying to figure out what kind of job to use as my cover that would also excuse my lack of paycheck stubs, uniform, regular scheduled hours,and constant use of hotel rooms, lingerie,condoms, 2nd phone / phone number, texts asking if I'm available,and of course sudden need for privacy on short notice... seems too complicated for me. So most if not all my friends know about what I do. And whatever new friends I make outside the hobby figure it out fairly easily. I really don't care if I get judged . I feel that this hobby life of ours has grown increasingly since I first joined in 2010. So most are doing it also. This makes me very VERY very curious to know what members recognize or actually know me outside of the hobby but haven't yet told me. I have had 5 friends so far come forward . 3 of them waited years before admitting it to me though but for different reasons. I know a lot of my friends mention having friends that are escorts, and this lifestyle is very well known about and fairly common among us but I don't recognize any of the providers listed here for our city. I still wonder all the time though if my friends are actually on here because after I retired back in 2011, I later found out that one of my favorite providers was actually one of the most popular girls in my social scene (back at that time). She would just use colored wigs and change her appearance slightly when it came to providing . I never recognized her myself because she was so popular back then that I actually never got the chance to meet her in person . I found out when she posted one of her pics from her ads on her facebook profile . I couldn't believe I didn't know it was her all that time! I tend to be oblivious to things that I really don't consider to be any of my business or worth my concern. I try to give others as much privacy as possible out of pure respect. So I really do believe that there could easily be a lot of people on here that I may know already offline and in real life. I'm not asking for anyone to out themselves and I am definetly not going to out anyone I do know on here. More than anything I am wondering if any other providers have found out about close family members be also hobby members too? It just seems like it would be such a funny or awkward situation.