Referals for Providers and Newbie Help

Hello Eccie!
So I need a little help. Obviously, I'm a bit new to the hobby and need a little advice.
So I started with BP. (We all start somewhere.) However, it can be a little...nerve wracking as you're really never sure about what you're walking in to. I'm sure we have all been there. Casing the parking lot looking for anything that might be undercover LE, people hanging around in the middle of the afternoon and all the other things that get your Oh Shito Meter needle moving. I've had a few really good experiences and a few that I've walked out on just because my gut instinct said "DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!" LOL!
So I heard about this place from a provider and decided to check it out. (Cool place btw.) But here is the problem I'm running into. A lot of the providers here want references. That's a bit difficult as we don't exactly spend Christmas together nor really exchange a lot of info. Lol! And almost all others want phone numbers. That is never a good idea for me as I know that my other half goes through the phone records from time to time. (I'm a bit of a handful.) Lol! So.... How do you get references without trading info and does anyone have any suggestions on the phone issue other than getting a burner phone? I've offered to send pics of myself (and I'm not horribly ugly btw ladies) lol! by email but most providers aren't down for that.
So... Any advice?
Thanks for providing a cool site and I look forward to chatting with all in the near future.

Go through this list of Newbie-Friendly Providers:

Find 4-5 that strike your fancy and send them an introductory Private Message through their Showcase. (Always make initial contact by PM and not by email or text, even after you're established.) Work with the ones who respond on their screening criteria. Some may have screening requirements that you're not comfortable with. If so, politely decline and move on. We're all here to have fun, but safety and security will always be top priority.

Good luck! Have fun and stay safe!
Thanks a lot! I'll give that a try. Thanks for the info.
onawalkabout's Avatar
Google is your friend.
And any number of free text apps that can be installed used and deleted till needed again and most of them keep your contacts separate and remember them when you log back in after installing. Just my 2 cents.

Good luck
SinlyCin's Avatar
It would just be a treat if I was the one on your side of the fence. I can't help but wonder how I would do it or if I would do it. But being able to express yourself and releasing that little extra bit of stress is what we are here for.
I'm just visiting San Antonio but if you see this I'm here to accomadate YOU!