Are you sick of those who have you drive way out into mystery land and it's b.s.? Or the ones who show up with some lame story about the "AGREED" donation? Or how about the wierdo's who turn out to be "VERY" wierd or creepy? Ever find yourself in a situation that's life-threatening or, God-forbid, been physically and/or sexually assaulted? Fear of encounters with LE?....Are you just sick of that "anxiety-bug" that tends to dwell way in the back of your head every time you answer that phone?
Last night I read a thread that disturbed me. A provider calls another provider for a reference check and the provider that was called turned out to be a Super bitch and did not support the calling provider with substantial information concerning the "potential client", when she easily could have. As i was reading the thread, I was like "WTF"? That's what's wrong with the "provider-commonwealth" and why we GET that sense of worry every time we answer that phone or read an email inquiry. This industry is like some kind of huge underworld. Thank God we live in the age-of-information where the internet has revolutionized this "Underworld". We have resources that can be incorporated into our business ONLY if "WE" utilize them. That's right...."WE".
Also last night, I get a call from this guy whose been wanting an out-call for about a week now. It's been a week because initially he said he didn't have the entire donation so he would try again later in the week. Needless to state the obvious of the "red-flag"...well I hear from him last night...same thing wants an know how that 6th sense kicks in and you just get that feeling? I recently joined, a site that reports bad clients, so I log into my providerbuzz account, enter his phone number and find out there was a report on this guy! In case you're wondering the kind of report it was...Apparently he likes to request "out-calls" to phony adresses. The girl who reported him says she went to some apartments and was given the wrong apartment number. Well when she called him, he answers and says he wanted to make sure it was really her first. So he gave her another apartment to go to and IT STILL wasn't his place.
IT'S UP TO US TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!! Yes, I know it's impossible EACH AND EVERY bad client that exists can be exposed. But what we can do is fill the databases of sites such as to where your chances of finding ANY, I mean !!!ANY!!! info on these "mystery-clients" to help give us a sense of security before we take the calls.....When I got that feedback last night, it was a "THRILL" knowing I didn't have to waste MY time and gas on this jerk. It was an absolute "THRILL" to BUST this guy.
I can't emphasize enough in the importance of OUR INVOLVEMENT COLLECTIVELY to increase the awareness as if it were breast cancer...because it is exactly THAT! A CANCER! "BAD-CLIENT-CANCER"...and we need to increase the awareness of it and get PRO-ACTIVE in this shit!!!! I feel each and every provider out there NEEDS to get an account with one of these bad client sites and start reporting these sons-of-bitches. THEY REPORT YOU if you was to steal their wallet or use fake pictures (in which such activities I am TOTALLY opposed to and do not condone). Ladies, start taking ACTION! GET INVOLVED! Start REPORTING BAD CLIENTS! It just doesn't help the next girl....IT HELPS YOURSELF WHEN THE "NEXT GIRL" IS REPORTING AS WELL!!!!
Be safe ladies and I wish you all a prosperous day!!!