Anyone seen her?

dwill5569's Avatar
She is definitely hot and I know she is real cause I’ve seen her Facebook but no reviews.
  • V31L
  • 06-28-2024, 09:42 PM
hopefully someone reviews
I was in contact with her but she had to cancel
Plans for some reason. I’ve yet to try again.
  • V31L
  • 06-29-2024, 02:47 PM
Thanks for the info, i have no interest in a BF/Pimp environment. Have seen that scenario go bad to many times.
Once again, another provider who refuses to see black men because she has a black man. How jealous and insecure are they? Just ask OJ.
I've seen her a couple times. We've had a blast. 2nd time she pushed our date about 45 min but was upfront about the delay. No evidence of a guy being in the room and I know what to look for. She can be hard to get a hold of but I know that going in for all the girls. I'm probably going to end.uo seeing her for as long as we keep having this much fun.