Straight up question; what is your answer?
joe bloe's Avatar
No, of course not. A lot of people assume the best about Obama and disregard anything bad they hear about him, but that's largely because main stream media never tells the truth about him. As long as MSM carries the water for him, he's invulnerable. If MSM ever turned against Obama, he'd have to resign.

We can't get people to understand the truth about Obama with just talk radio. Talk radio is a voice crying in the wilderness.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Where's the "Yes, but he would've won by a larger margin." option?
Damn, I thought the people voted him in.
If the presidency had no limit to the number of terms,Obama would be president for as long as the large corporations would want him to be.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

The Liberal media automatically gives the left 15 percentage points in any election.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
o All of the below.
o Assup is a dipshit.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-08-2013, 04:06 PM
Oh look, another poll predicting a Romney win!
The pro Obama voters are living in a fantasy world.............
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmm, would that be the "honest media" (like Fauxed-It-All-Up) that had Rumbnuts "winning" (think Charlie Sheen) by 5 points?

Nice try - now go to my thread about the republican't governors lining up for Medicaid...heh heh heh.

Don't you just fu*king HATE it when a plan comes together that isn't yours?!? Hee Hee HEE!

(to coin a phrase - fuckers!)
Fast Gunn's Avatar
We're living in a fantasy world?

Dude, you are living in a world of denial!

Newsflash: The election is over!

. . . President Obama won the election fair and square and the world is better off for it, but dummies like you just can't see the truth even when it's as plain as the nose on your face!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Hmmm, would that be the "honest media" (like Fauxed-It-All-Up) that had Rumbnuts "winning" (think Charlie Sheen) by 5 points?

Nice try - now go to my thread about the republican't governors lining up for Medicaid...heh heh heh.

Don't you just fu*king HATE it when a plan comes together that isn't yours?!? Hee-Haw, HEE-HAW!

(to coin a phrase - fuckers!) Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Fixed that for ya, Randy4Andy! It's only proper that a jackass like you learn how to bray correctly.
Not a "fair" election if the media is biased, and they were.

It is clear that Obama would not have won had the media covered all his lies, mis=steps with the economy, Benghazi fiasco, debt acceleration, Obamacare scam, etc....

Obama was propped up by a corrupt media. Obama is the legal President, but he is an illegitimate President.

We're living in a fantasy world?

Dude, you are living in a world of denial!

Newsflash: The election is over!

. . . President Obama won the election fair and square and the world is better off for it, but dummies like you just can't see the truth even when it's as plain as the nose on your face!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
And yeah, if you voted for #1 above and you think the election margin would have been the same (or larger) with an honest unbiased media, then you are living in fantasy world.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
And you're just the ass to teach him.

Fixed that for ya, Randy4Andy! It's only proper that a jackass like you learn how to bray correctly. Originally Posted by I B Hankering