How to piss off a Far Right Wing-?

Have a Kenyan born African-American Muslim become the President of the United States.

How to really piss off a Far Right Wing-Nut?

Have a Kenyan born African-American Muslim win re-election four years later!

Just remember suckers:

Have a Kenyan born African-American Muslim become the President of the United States.

How to really piss off a Far Right Wing-Nut?

Have a Kenyan born African-American Muslim win re-election four years later!

Just remember suckers:

FOUR MORE YEARS! Originally Posted by bigtex
Stupid has spoken!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-11-2013, 06:59 PM
Stupid has spoken! Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yea, but he is not quite like some of the total cocksuckers here, i usually cut bt some slack, he just doesn't know any better. Lol
Have a Kenyan born African-American Muslim become the President of the United States.

How to really piss off a Far Right Wing-Nut?

Have a Kenyan born African-American Muslim win re-election four years later!

Just remember suckers:

FOUR MORE YEARS! Originally Posted by bigtex
But if that were really true, wouldn't YOU be pissed too?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But it isn't. so why are you dipshits so pissed?

Oh, I forgot, you're bent on saving America from destruction!
Stupid has spoken! Originally Posted by ExNYer
Don't keep us in suspense, what did StupidOldLyingFart, Trendaway, Joe the Bloehard and I B Lying & Crying have to say?

Yea, but he is not quite like some of the total cocksuckers here, i usually cut bt some slack, he just doesn't know any better. Lol Originally Posted by seedman55
How coincidental, that is the same thing I say about Seedy.

I suppose it is true, great minds think alike! (Just on differerent wave lengths.)
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 02-11-2013, 07:27 PM
Well I get pissed when I hear adults have conversations that sound like I'm watching Sesame Street:" you pay my rent", " no you pay my rent", "you buy my phone", "no you buy my phone". When will socialists realize that when they run out of other people's money, they are screwed?
Well I get pissed when I hear adults have conversations that sound like I'm watching Sesame Street:" you pay my rent", " no you pay my rent", "you buy my phone", "no you buy my phone". When will socialists realize that when they run out of other people's money, they are screwed? Originally Posted by oden
Has a socialist run out of other people's money yet? Greece is about to have Germany pay for the "promises" made to their citizens by previous generations, even though it was a lie, it was also a promise. Sound familiar?

Next 401k's will be seized and converted to gru's because no one deserves a better retirement than another, just because they had a better paying job.

America must move past being a land of equal opportunity and become a land of equal results and collectivism.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Stupid has spoken! Originally Posted by ExNYer there a Mrs Gump?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Stupid has spoken! Originally Posted by ExNYer
cannot fix being stupid

StupidOldLyingFart didn't realize the Wichita sun was going to be so bright that day! His Mommie told him to wear his double bill hat.
Looks like it is working. They sound pissed to me..
Looks like it is working. They sound pissed to me.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Have a Kenyan born African-American Muslim become the President of the United States.

How to really piss off a Far Right Wing-Nut?

Have a Kenyan born African-American Muslim win re-election four years later!

Just remember suckers:

FOUR MORE YEARS! Originally Posted by bigtex
He claims to be a Christian, doesn't he?
Are you calling the President of the United States a liar? Only racists do that.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, four more years of war, indefinite detentions, trillion dollar deficits, government control of healthcare, higher and higher taxes, fewer and fewer jobs, random killing of innocent children by Presidential order, creeping fascism (aka crony capitalism), higher unemployment, increasing entitlements, restrictions on liberty, arming our enemies, statist policies, lies, dishonesty, deceit, secrecy and corruption.