Cheney backs Obama on drones

Christ, he's like the crazy, cranky old uncle who won't leave the party.

If Cheney is for it, I may need to rethink the issue.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Im still trying to get over his "hunting accident"
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Christ, he's like the crazy, cranky old uncle who won't leave the party.

If Cheney is for it, I may need to rethink the issue. Originally Posted by timpage
Hahahaha! I have to agree with you there.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've been telling you, there is very little substantial difference between the Bush and Obama administrations. We're actually in the 4th term of GWBush.
Thought Chaney was the brains of that admin.Hell he might be Obies go to guy.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You're empty head could use a brain. "I'va biggen" must mean the cavity you have between your big ears.

Cheney is usual.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Thank God the Liar in Chief quit talking.

I have to admit...I was getting off on Moochelles arms.
You're empty head could use a brain. "I'va biggen" must mean the cavity you have between your big ears.

Cheney is usual. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

dolly ,your small attempt is not working. Wipe off your chin.It is embarrass to the rest of your kind..
You're empty head could use a brain. "I'va biggen" must mean the cavity you have between your big ears.

Cheney is usual. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Cheney is right....for the first time.

Now, he should shut the fuck up and start a new career as a walker on The Walking Dead.

I dunno, it's almost tempting to take his comments on Obama's picks seriously...after all,if anybody should recognize second rate security and intelligence people, it would have to be the VP from the Bush administration. Cheney's intelligence apparatus failed to prevent the 9/11 attacks even after receiving the August 2001 President's Daily Brief trumpeting al Qeada's intentions to attack the United States in the United States...., failed to find and kill or capture Bin Laden....started the Iraq war on the false pretense that Saddam had WMD's.....speaking of second rate players, how about that Rummy? The guy who told the entire world exactly where the WMD's were when asked. Too bad he's not available, maybe President Obama could make him secretary of defense again.

Fucking goofy old bastard has no shame. He's lucky he wasn't arrested and put in prison after Iraq. Instead, there are still people that take his clucking and carping seriously.

But, you're right about Michelle's arms. Hot.

Cheney is usual. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

the only reason cheney is right is because obama is never wrong
You must be high. There is a vast difference between the Obama and Bush administrations. The similarities that bother you so much aren't the result of similar ideologies. They're the result of the security issues that carried over from the Bush presidency. You know.....the war? Those people over on the other side of the world who make it their daily business to try to do harm to Americans and American interests? You know...the ones you think we should go arrest, after we get a search warrant and probable cause. And then provide them with a taxpayer expense.

I've been telling you, there is very little substantial difference between the Bush and Obama administrations. We're actually in the 4th term of GWBush. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You know...the ones you think we should go arrest, after we get a search warrant and probable cause. And then provide them with a taxpayer expense. Originally Posted by timpage
I thought we wanted targeted attacks to blow the fuck out of them with the drones?
Christ, he's like the crazy, cranky old uncle who won't leave the party.

If Cheney is for it, I may need to rethink the issue. Originally Posted by timpage
What's to rethink? When GWB was droning Afghanistan, the media and the Dems were against it. Some even threatened war crimes.

When BHO drones Afghanistan, the media and Dem are cheerleaders - not only turning a blind eye against the collateral damage that they threatened Bush with war crimes - but a blind eye against killing Americans without due process.

Low information hypocrite.
I thought we wanted targeted attacks to blow the fuck out of them with the drones? Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
That is what I think. It's COG who wants to afford enemy combatants due process per the US Constitution.
Low information....the new favorite term of the Limbaugh lemmings.

And now that BHO is doing what you say Bush was doing, you and the rest of the haters are weeping for the enemy combatants who want to kill us and destroy our country and way of life.


What's to rethink? When GWB was droning Afghanistan, the media and the Dems were against it. Some even threatened war crimes.

When BHO drones Afghanistan, the media and Dem are cheerleaders - not only turning a blind eye against the collateral damage that they threatened Bush with war crimes - but a blind eye against killing Americans without due process.

Low information hypocrite. Originally Posted by gnadfly