Does any one know how to Treat Diabetes Type 1 and 2?

There is no as such preventive measures for Type 1 Diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can be well managed by dietary restriction or physical exercise, etc.

Please give me some tips to treat my diabetes.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Do what your doctor tells you to do. That is how you treat it.
You should search for support groups.. So you can be better informed as well as being able to talk about to others that understand and relate to what your going thru.. ok? Good luck
lose weight
Go on a modified Atkins diet that is a trend to stay away from carbs. You do not have to be so strict,less is good
Exercise just try to walk a couple of miles a day
IF you have to eat sweet stuff then look for items that say "NO SUGAR ADDED"
Research Apple Cider Vinegar, amazing stuff
aka Mike Hammer's Avatar
Up front: listen to your M.D./DrMed before all else, and a dietician before any of us amateurs.

That said...better to reduce sugar craving altogether by cutting out sweets until you no longer crave them. Learn where the hidden sugars are. Stop drinking sugar: fruit juice is LOADED with it and has no control mechanism unlike the whole fruit does. Those juice glasses Grandma had in the cabinet were only maybe 6 oz for a reason. Buy good coffee and start maybe by cutting the amount of sugar in half if you put it in your coffee. Milk has lactose, which is a sugar, which at least needs to be broken down. Don't eat more protein than necessary. Cut down on processed grains. That just turns to sugar and overloads your insulin control mechanism the same as pure cane. Honey is sugar. Drink more water. Drink a pint first thing every morning, and before eating. Any time you feel hungry, drink plain water. Avoid anything with sugar or sugar substitute most of the time. Cheat on occasion, but hold yourself to that. Exercise, and drink water. Most rehydration drinks have tons of unnecessary sugar. Better off avoiding any rapid sugar uptake unless medical advice says otherwise. Unless you're in an active competition, let the body learn to adapt to the extent it is safe. Also, don't eat close to bedtime. I tend to go to bed around 11 PM, and always sleep better if I am done eating before 7. Speaking of sleep, that is also highly important to good health and weight maintenance.

Lastly, fasting occasionally is a good practice. Those hunger pains go away after awhile. Think of it as a reverse cheat. I will occasionally miss lunch, drink water, and have an early dinner, which is better than a late dinner anyway.

Plain water: I grew up on a farm. Was admonished early on to drink water. Some people never forced themselves to do without flavored beverages, which typically means sugar, to their detriment. You want to improve your life? Stop wasting money and ruining your health buying flavored sugar/fake sugar water (cheat days excepted).