Possible new law Colorado

geecue's Avatar
New law that might go into effect soon. Gives a new meaning to do your homework.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
I see they are still working the human trafficking angle. There is probably a very small minority of that happening everywhere, but to use that as the basis for changing prostitution laws and punishment is over the top.

Catch the predators doing the trafficking and sentence them under whatever laws you want, Gitmo is too good for them. Decriminalize the activities of consenting adults that happen BCD. Colorado used to be so progressive in their thinking.
ICU 812's Avatar
You know—I really thought that right after the 2008 election we would get a lot more open about this. I really thought that jurisdictions outside of Nevada would become more European regarding sex for money. The only major change is medical pot mostly in California! BFD!
Mariah Moore's Avatar
Wow a school for clients thats crazy
You know—I really thought that right after the 2008 election we would get a lot more open about this. I really thought that jurisdictions outside of Nevada would become more European regarding sex for money. The only major change is medical pot! BFD! Originally Posted by ICU 812
Why would you think that? The federal government has become a machine that goes by itself; the professed party of the president makes no difference whatsoever (even if one believes the propaganda that the two parties are different). How's this for an example: “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.” - Senator Barack Obama, 2007
A John School??? Even more outrageous is the $10,000 fine. In most jurisdictions, prostitution is a misdemeanor. So,why a $10,000 fine?

If they really wanted to set a John School, I would call it a Hobbyiest School and teach clients:

(1) Best way to screen potential providers
(2) Safe practices
(3) How to keep a hobby kit (hobby phone, condoms, breath mints, febreeze, etc.)
(4) Proper way to write a review
(5) Good manners when interacting with a provider
(6) How to report exploitation of minors without disclosing your identity
(7) Terminology
(8) How to give provider references
ICU 812's Avatar

Of course you are right. Without meaning to advocate for or against: This is exactly why the so-called Tea Party movement scares the bejesus outa the Republicans and why the Democrats vilify them. The candidates and elected lawmakers along with the base that support them seem to be true to their far-right or conservative ideology ant won't budge.

As to Libya: I think that O'Bama is hiding behind the fact that there is a "coalition" and so he bombing is not "uni-lateral". This is hair-splitting on his part and as you have pointed out is a lot like others befor him, both R&D.
geecue's Avatar
A John School??? Even more outrageous is the $10,000 fine. In most jurisdictions, prostitution is a misdemeanor. So,why a $10,000 fine?

If they really wanted to set a John School, I would call it a Hobbyiest School and teach clients:

(1) Best way to screen potential providers
(2) Safe practices
(3) How to keep a hobby kit (hobby phone, condoms, breath mints, febreeze, etc.)
(4) Proper way to write a review
(5) Good manners when interacting with a provider
(6) How to report exploitation of minors without disclosing your identity
(7) Terminology
(8) How to give provider references Originally Posted by TheJudge69
Supposedly to help pay for municipalities to set up John schools. Can you imagine what LE will do to get a John at 10 grand a pop. I personally will not be as trusting if this passes.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Once again, we have moronic do-gooders who have no fucking clue. We already have too many stupid laws on the books. We don't need any more. Maybe if some of these elected idiots would actually research what they want to do, then maybe we would have some rational laws instead of the typical one size fits all. I am adamantly opposed to human trafficking or any other crime that victimizes the truly innocent. What these idiots don't realize is that there are differences in prostitution. I would hardly call we what we do in the hobby "prostitution". I would consider it an economic activity between two consenting adults.
A John School??? Even more outrageous is the $10,000 fine. In most jurisdictions, prostitution is a misdemeanor. So,why a $10,000 fine?

If they really wanted to set a John School, I would call it a Hobbyiest School and teach clients:

(1) Best way to screen potential providers
(2) Safe practices
(3) How to keep a hobby kit (hobby phone, condoms, breath mints, febreeze, etc.)
(4) Proper way to write a review
(5) Good manners when interacting with a provider
(6) How to report exploitation of minors without disclosing your identity
(7) Terminology
(8) How to give provider references Originally Posted by TheJudge69
That's not what a "john school" is. So-called "john schools" are re-education camps run by radical anti-sex feminists in which brainwashed ex-streetwalkers scream at men and vomit out all kinds of lies the feminists tell them such as "all prostitution is rape", "the average age at which a prostitute enters the trade is 13", "most prostitutes of all levels are enslaved victims", etc. The idea is to traumatize the clients as much as possible so as to screw up their enjoyment of sex by filling their heads full of images of screaming, toothless crackheads.
OK I didn't get past the first paragraph. First of all, there are already programs similar to that, I think in California. The thing that pisses me off is, no one is going to tell me what to do with my body. If I want to do this, I will. The hipocracy here. It's ok for me to have sex, but I can't get paid for it. No one is forcing me to do this.
1. There's too much money to be made persecuting johns and the girls
2. This country is run by Christian fundamentalists, most of whom are total hypocrites
3. No politician has the balls to stand against the status quo
1. There's too much money to be made persecuting johns and the girls
2. This country is run by Christian fundamentalists, most of whom are total hypocrites
3. No politician has the balls to stand against the status quo Originally Posted by justabloke
The Christian fundamentalists couldn't accomplish boo without the assistance of the fundamentalist feminists, who have repressed our profession in Norway, Sweden and Iceland without any help from Christians at all.
rachet3375's Avatar
Goin to Hell in a handbasket... so a majority of Denver prostitutes are middle school girls huh? One heck of an afterschool program, LOL! One clue as to why these bills are being considered, cash-strapped municpalities, got to generate more revenue cuz traffic fines and taxes aren't cutting it. Crack or other drug addicted women turn to prostitution cuz it's an easier way to get money that way rather than robbery, panhandling or other scams. These politicians are not primarily representatives but lawmakers and everyone of them SOB's wants a legacy. Alas I have no solutions, not that smart, but I do know when smoke is being blown up my ass. Don't mean to pick on SWs but they put the big ole target on this biz due to their visibility. I'll stick with my Ladies here on ECCIE and lessen my exposure and increase my safety. Oh, and do them fellers in Denver really believe their providers are foreign imports??? The media and lawmakers try to make us all look like idiots and that is what pisses me off, that and the minority dictating to the majority. JMHO
geecue's Avatar
The thread already has 68 replys and 4337 views and climbing. New development.
The bill just passed out of the State Senate Judiciary committee, and will now have to be voted on by the whole Senate, and probably the State House again, because it was altered by the Senate. The potential fine was reduced to $5K, to hopefully prevent customers from fighting the charges. One senator stated $10,000.00 fine for a first time offender ? This is a post from one of the few on the board.