fake reviews?

tinman483's Avatar
So I was looking through the reviews. There are something like 15 reviews that are posted on by the mod:

This review has been proven to be faked and written by a provider that is no longer on this board. Information contained should be ignored. CK

So why aren't these just deleted?
Just askin
Hawks222's Avatar
Yeah I don’t understand. Are there that many providers that did fake reviews?
tinman483's Avatar
And what took so long to be discovered?
CryptKicker's Avatar
We do not delete content from the board unless it is nuclear issues such as child porn. The notes were put on the reviews and the reviews closed to keep some "innocent" user from thinking they should see the provider based on these reviews. This was done in the best interest of the users.

As far as "what took so long to be discovered"? We don't go looking for things. When we discover it we act. We depend on users to alert us when something is fishy using the RTM or by PM to a moderator.
normalguy21's Avatar
tinman483's Avatar
Have they been put on probation or banned?
Just askin
CryptKicker's Avatar
We do not discuss bans beyond what was already revealed. That information was given for the safety of the members. The fact that reviews indicated they were written by a provider that is no longer on the board should tell you something though.