So, you want to buy a Tesla to save the environment?

bambino's Avatar
Its bullshit. Musk is a smart guy. He knows China, India and a bunch of other Asian countries are shit pits with lots of air, water and "CO2" pollution. China has the majority of Bitcoin farms being powered by coal.

Suddenly he's "enlightened."

Suddenly a bunch of Dims are enlightened.

I agree that electric cars eventually will be the way to go. The path there will be paved with gas, oil and coal just like the path to gas powered vehicles was powered by horse and whale oil. The path to that was powered by wood.

But is China and India beholden to the penalties of the Paris Accords? No. Not yet.

BTW, under the Trump administration the CO2 levels went down. Musk is a hypocrite.
Ripmany's Avatar
I just like how spontaneous blow up.
Little Monster's Avatar
There's a Tesla owners club meet up every last Sunday of the month at Dreamland in Dripping Springs. It's called Coffee with Cars at Dreamland. In case anyone is interested.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Members of the ‘electric cars will save the world’ cult seem to have missed 6th grade science, or are deliberate liars. The only way they make sense is if we build nuclear plants, which the same people also hate.
GaGambler's Avatar
Its bullshit. Musk is a smart guy. He knows China, India and a bunch of other Asian countries are shit pits with lots of air, water and "CO2" pollution. China has the majority of Bitcoin farms being powered by coal.

Suddenly he's "enlightened."

Suddenly a bunch of Dims are enlightened.

I agree that electric cars eventually will be the way to go. The path there will be paved with gas, oil and coal just like the path to gas powered vehicles was powered by horse and whale oil. The path to that was powered by wood.

But is China and India beholden to the penalties of the Paris Accords? No. Not yet.

BTW, under the Trump administration the CO2 levels went down. Musk is a hypocrite. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I disagree that Electric cars are our "future" at best they are a bandaid while we try to figure out what the long term alternative to fossil fuels is going to be.

In the meantime with massive government subsidies a few million EV's will be on the road shortly, but keep in mind there are two BILLION cars/trucks world wide, can you even imagine the ecological disaster that two BILLION car batteries are going to create? Sorry people, but EVs are NOT the answer and they aren't ever going to be.

If people had any sense, rather than converting fuels like natural gas into electricity and using that electricity to run cars, why don't we skip the middleman and simply go to nat gas vehicles? The technology is proven, it causes LESS pollution and ecological damage than EVs, it's MUCH cheaper and the distribution could be made right through the existing network of gas stations already in place. Now THAT is a solution that will work for the next several decades until we can perfect cold fusion or whatever future technology might replace fossil fuels some day.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Not to mention the loss in converting any form of energy to any other. There’s no such thing as 100% efficiency. Even if it’s done with only a 10% loss (not likely), the difference is YUGE. It’s much more efficient, and in return environmentally friendly, to do as you suggest, and just power the car with NG. Shit like this is far to logical though, the left would rather wreck the economy, and millions of lives, than admit their energy policies are a fairytale.
yeah the standard lib playbook is peak NIMBY - They don't really give a shit, they just want to feel good about themselves for a change, so they bully everyone locally to be as green as possible meanwhile the shit they buy is over raping the land in China and Africa.

These are the same folks that think hunting is wrong because it hurts animals, and that you should just buy your meat at the super market.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Hydrogen fuel cell FTW

Or is it?

How do they make hydrogen on an industrial scale?

Well, with fossil fuels, of course.

I think they combust methane or some shit to get hydrogen.

Don't remember.

Of course you can dump salt into water and run a current through the ions, but I don't think that's what they do on an industrial scale.

But even then where tf does the current come from?
From solar, wind and water?

I invented a new kind of energy.
It's called a bicycle.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I disagree that Electric cars are our "future" at best they are a bandaid while we try to figure out what the long term alternative to fossil fuels is going to be.

In the meantime with massive government subsidies a few million EV's will be on the road shortly, but keep in mind there are two BILLION cars/trucks world wide, can you even imagine the ecological disaster that two BILLION car batteries are going to create? Sorry people, but EVs are NOT the answer and they aren't ever going to be. Originally Posted by GaGambler
there is that.

there is also the issue of the electrical grid supplying power to the EV, upgrading that is going to be expensive. theres not enough electrical power to charge up those EVs. nuclear power is still enough of a dirty word in a number of places.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hydrogen fuel cell FTW

Or is it?

How do they make hydrogen on an industrial scale?

Well, with fossil fuels, of course.

I think they combust methane or some shit to get hydrogen.

Don't remember.

Of course you can dump salt into water and run a current through the ions, but I don't think that's what they do on an industrial scale.

But even then where tf does the current come from?
From solar, wind and water?

I invented a new kind of energy.
It's called a bicycle. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
to split hydrogen from water, you put a series of metals (i forget what metal) that react with water. it splits it into hydrogen and oxygen.

it can be built industrial scale. its not hard do that. its doable. don't need fossil fuels to do that.

some inventor (before he was murdered) built a hydrogen fuel cell car and was running it
Jacuzzme's Avatar
it can be built industrial scale. its not hard do that. its doable. don't need fossil fuels to do that. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Except for mining and transporting the metals. Nothing is free when it comes to energy, you can only get out (less) than what you put in.
Ripmany's Avatar
I don't think Tesla the car that blows up random places, look like a computer on a IP. But electric some things good no use a gasoline powered washing machine any more it hard to think Maytag was small engine company. No use gas power drill even jack hammer are mostly electric. A electric chainsaw may be my next by since I do 90% set up.
It's really fun to read those with no scientific background opine about what they don't know. The most correct comment her is that nothing is 100% in terms of energy conversion. Food for thought, what energy source is theoretically unlimited, therefore not as limited by conversion efficiency or scarcity of resource, at least until it implodes (we'll all be dead then)?
I'll switch to an electric car when I can stop off and fill its battery in 5 minutes like I can with an internal combustion car. Having to stop for 4-6 hours every 300 miles defeats the point for me.