Appointment by Texting

I've been seeing a lot more "appointment by text only" ads. For all you newbie hobbyists, this should be a huge red flag no-no. I don't know ANY legit provider that meets by text only and not listening to the caller. And the same should be for the guy making an appointment. If you cannot only hear their voice, but LISTEN to their demeanor and tone, you shouldn't ever consider a meet. If your lucky, it will be a cop looking to arrest and embarrass you on the 6 o'clock news instead of potentially walking into a few thugs looking to hurt and rob you. You can tell a lot by a quick 2 minute phone call and by asking the right questions.

I realize texting is normal practice of communication these days, but anyone meeting in this manner is asking for trouble. Demand to speak to them. Don't fall for the "I'm running low on minutes" or "phones almost dead". Take your time and be thorough. Make them speak to you, judge accordingly, and choose wisely.
+1. I want to speak to someone before we come face to face. "Ghetto" ends contact immediately. You can't always spot that in a text message.

There have been a couple of situations where hobbyists that wanted to see me didn't have hobby phones at all, but had good references. Without the ability to talk first over the phone, I insist they meet me in public for a cup of coffee first.

If I'm not comfortable, I simply won't proceed.
I had never been into texting because of the numerous emails I use to reply to daily. Now however I really love texting because I can do it in any situation. I don’t have to worry about an awkward conversation at an inopportune time. In fact I purchased another play phone to improve my ability to text. I usually only speak to a provider just before the meet. I guess I need to rethink my behavior.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Pseudo Pimpin'

its long thread, don't bother unless you want a long read
in a nut shell
A so called hobbyist was/still doing all or some screening and booking for 4 or 5 gals in Upset NY.

Now I have gotten many guys to try to get gals still working with this guy to try and get the gal they want to see ta call or call them when they get the number. If they still want to meet knowing it may be a he screening.

Guys that have done so get dumped. Problem, he already has the info if it was he or she that screened. No reply from pm or email if you ask that a call be part of screening each other. Once ok'ed they want text only. As I said call and your done. A few that already seen one of the providers get dumped if trying for a repeat over phone call rather than text.

PM, email or text(if you have the number) is ok to get started. But I will quote Ginger Doll
"I want to speak to someone before we come face to face."
Aw yea, I feel u. Regardless of how much clever game someone is tryin 2 run on u, that tone of voice and that momentum in that voice pattern can expose that they full of shit and tryin 2 set u up
tuckahoe's Avatar
"Ghetto" ends contact immediately. You can't always spot that in a text message. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
But sometimes you can. Easily!
TechOne's Avatar
Do you think this applies to Lena?
shorty's Avatar
I prefer to text even though I don't have the fastest fingers. From what I've found, most ladies do like to text and prefer too. It's discrete and you can multi-task while texting. I've started many dates by a initial pm or two and switched over to exclusive text to book a session and get the location/rm number.
Texts never ever go away. They are maintained pretty much forever on the carrier's servers. Even if the phone is gone, number changed account closed. Every text is retrievable. Every word in every text forever and ever.
Call logs are also maintained in the same way. Difference is, carriers dont record the voice, just the numbers and length of call, gps. Carriers keep every bot of data on a line. Data is text and www. Given that ....WHY would I leave a clear coherent step by step usable in any court of law paper trail? Others may be 10ft tall & bullet proof. I'm not. I do my job, not LE's.

Now if we've met and I know you then you have a number that you can text me on (none of my biz numbers send texts to me). They are usually real quick innocuous "Today?" type and I still insist they call for the location. How do I know someone hasn't procured your phone unless I hear your voice?


Simple little extra proactive steps to keep your ass free and clear are always always always worth it. Easy be damned.
tuckahoe's Avatar
From what I understand with some of the Homeland Security rules, the Obama administration has free reign to view your emails.
Are emails kept on a server after you delete them?
Emails don't seem very safe, either.
Are our PMs secure?
Do even throw away phones have gps that could be tracked to your home, if you call from there?
This high tech electronic age is dangerous business.
tuckahoe's Avatar
Maybe this discussion should be moved to a different area since it is not about a specific alert, and there is so much to be said about it.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
90% of my dates are through text. Gets in the way while driving but screw AT&T and their Anti-Texting campaign. Some guys call me, but it's always "huh, what, can't hear you". I think I'm either losing my hearing or men whisper.

I prefer texting because usually I don't spend my days alone waiting on a phone call. I'm either with family or at my day job. I can't excuse myself for every phone call and I know men don't like hearing the REAL WORLD in the background. Call it unprofessional if you must but it hasn't hurt me.

And yes, it's more discrete to text. So text, call or PM, I don't care, just don't waste my time.
KDOGG's Avatar
  • 06-11-2013, 07:55 AM
Same here, I would say I set up 90% of my appts by texting. Really, don't see what dif it makes if you hear a voice. I like to save my sexy voice for the appt. Just my 2 cents......
Have fun......
Same here, I would say I set up 90% of my appts by texting. Really, don't see what dif it makes if you hear a voice. I like to save my sexy voice for the appt. Just my 2 cents......
Have fun...... Originally Posted by KDOGG

Same here. I would rather text all day instead of talking all day considering I am at the computer or the beach a lot and I do not get the best of signal! Plus I just like to book the way I do, thru PM or TEXT then we get onto the phone before the appt...that is If I ask them to call me, they do! Everyone has their own reasons... S.O. or Privacy.
That's a good one! Saving my sexy voice...

Miss Dreams
bladtinzu's Avatar
Texts never ever go away. They are maintained pretty much forever on the carrier's servers. Even if the phone is gone, number changed account closed. Every text is retrievable. Every word in every text forever and ever. Originally Posted by babee

Not according to AT&T. They keep no records of texts and I found out when court orders were given to them on the ex who tried to kill me back in 2011. They said they never kept records of that type of stuff.