If you can't make it make a call

Got stood up yesterday, it happens part of the game right.

What I don't understand is why the ladies won't call or at least send a text to say they cannot make it. I understand sometimes life gets in the way of the hobby I don't need to know why just let me know so I can make new plans.

Now this goes for us men too this a business for the ladies time is money right if you can't make it, then let the ladies know so they try and fill your appt time

Not bitching just saying by making a call or text when we cannot make it Guys and ladies we only make our hobby better and safer

Guest012617's Avatar

You are right it is part of it and they should make a call but you may
not want to use your first name when posting. (IMHO) Good luck and keep
It's my pen name
"Lou," you have every right to bitch about that situation. In fact, imho, you should let others know via a NCNS alert post in coed.

Everyone's time is valuable – not just the provider's. It's happened to me a couple of times, and when it does – that gentleman is put permanently on my DNS list.

With the exception of a couple of unlikely scenarios, there is no excuse for not taking five seconds to notify someone that you can't make it. (Barring the loss or malfunction of one's phone, or serious injury/hospitalization that makes communication impossible... i.e., lack of consciousness or a coma.)

Respect is a very important factor when deciding who I spend my time with in the Hobby – and total disregard for someone's time is a big indicator that they lack it.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
When I have to cancel I do message the guy to let him know, but I still get bitched at and they try to guilt me by saying "I cleared my entire day for you!" Really? We only had a 30 minute session! It's easier just to hide from them.

But...I understand what you're saying
...It's easier just to hide from them... Originally Posted by MaryBeth
I've always done my best to treat the hobby as a real job. In civilian life, if you don't show up for work & then avoid explaining why to your boss, you won't have a job for very long. I'm just saying!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
True, but that's always why I don't have a civilian job
playtime40's Avatar
In my opinion it is common courtesy (or should be) in any relationship to let someone know if you can not make a set meeting as soon as possible. If a provider does a ncns on me or has a habit of doing it to others I will not see her again. there are more great providers than my hobby budget can afford anyway I will not put up with lack of respect. I understand things come up, but it takes just a second to call or text. I have never had to cancel a firm date but may well have to one day if so I will contact them as soon as possible and try to make it up to them at a later date. and I would expect the some courtesy. jmho
To me it is a sign of respect to contact the individual if possible. I had an appointment that I could not keep because of an emergency last minute meeting and I did not have time to contact the provider prior to the appointment. I contacted her later and paid her for the time she lost plus I purchased a gift certificate for her from VS because she took it so well. I feel that if an individual does not respect others, then they don’t respect themselves.
CuteGuyAR040's Avatar
Communication is the key...and honesty. Yes, ESPECIALLY in this hobby. I have had to cancel because of any number of reasons and I've had a provider that has had to cancel, late notice....but, not often, (and I always give a full explanation and have gotten the same). Life happens, you know? My recommendation is to stick to trusted providers, communicate, and understand that these ladies have personal lives that can interrupt their schedules at any moment. Respect. Give it and 9 times out of 10 you'll receive it. Hopefully, this was just the 1 time.
In this hobby, respect goes along way... If you need to cancel, then cancel. I hate when I get those NCNS so simply I respect those whom have booked with me by letting them know I can't make it at that time or day. It's like calling in for a day off for whatever reason! You must call to let one know if you must cancel. The man should respect the lady the same as our time is money, it's the business...

Miss Dreams
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Cancelling is becoming epidemic for me lately.

Last Friday week, I had two appointments with men who I have seen before. One just completely NCNS'd me after telling me that he was on his way. His excuse four hours later was one of the most piss poor excuses that I've heard in years.

Which is saying something.

The other called me at 4:20 to tell me that he wouldn't be able to make his 4:30 appointment. This is someone that I've seen over five times.

His excuse? "I don't have enough money." Really? That's your excuse after making an appointment with me earlier?

Yes, a lady should pick up the phone and call. Standing someone up is inexcusable.

It's the same to not follow through and cancel, if you need to, in a timely fashion.

Life does happen. I know that. But the cancellations are getting to be more the norm than ever. Not sure why.
I feel that hobbyist and provider alike should be respectful of each others time. We all have lives outside of the hobby and we all have things happen that conflict with a scheduled appointment, but how these conflicts are handled should be a matter of hobby etiquette. No one benefits from a NCNS
Cancelling is becoming epidemic for me lately...Life does happen. I know that. But the cancellations are getting to be more the norm than ever. Not sure why. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Last-minute and/or repeated cancellations, while not quite as bad as NCNS, can be almost as irritating.

I can't elaborate as to why you are experiencing more last-minute cancellations, but my personal experience has been that sometimes certain gentleman will use 'prescheduled appointments' as justification for excessive communication. Then, when it comes time to keep the appointment, something always seems to "come up." That's irritating... and after a couple of episodes, extremely transparent. If someone does it repeatedly, they also end up on my DNS.

While it's flattering that someone thinks I'm interesting to talk to, I just don't like my time wasted.
christylynn's Avatar
this is my biggest pet peeve don't set an appointment up with me then not show up then call 3 days after sorry i couldn't make it. you just couldn't call or send a text that day im sorry something came up i cant make it. then i would fill in your appointment slot and there would be no drama about it. i believe this is a good post cause i was just talking about this with another provider 2 weeks ago.