Random 0.08+ thoughts so can't go to #%^*'s the local bar so you are stuck with IT

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Drunk, no body awake here figured I would troll eccie.

1. Went to St. Louis last weekend. I had been THROUGH the city but never TO the city before and I must ask has the city been hit with the ugly stick? Was with the ole lady so this comment is not about the industry, but there were no attractive women to be seen. I spent time in what I assume was the upscale and hip areas, but absolutely no eye candy.

2. Speaking of upscale. What does upscale even mean? Many provider ads state they will only see "upscale" clients. How do I know if I am upscale and able schedule an appointment?

3. Why do providers go to great lengths to provide reasons for why they are late or have to cancel? If something comes up and you have to cancel an appointment I would rather you tell me as soon as possible. Anytime spent figuring out the reason is time I could be frantically calling plan B.

4. Does anyone know a way to get the middle 4 episodes if games of throwns? I watched the first 3 and have the last 3 saved but need the middle 4. By the way what is cassia bark?
If you have HBO sign up for HBO go or get the ap on your tablet and you can watch it