Club Lace trial update

Club Lace trial update
Last report was through Trial day 8 on 8/24/2016. Now up to trial day 16 on 9/12/2016 the latest court minute entry filing.

Follows is a brief overview of Days 9-16 (latest first):

Along with owner, the trial is concurrent for Adam, Cary and Robert. Usual arguments over exhibits, testimony by lead detective in case (well known woman in these cases), and State is still doing its case. Tiphany appeared with her public defender's office attorney for the State after a material witness arrest warrant was issued. Lots of juror questions were submitted and answered.

I also recognize other witnesses for the State as those that worked the Studio and took felony plea deals. Including gal that got 3 years' probation.

Lots of other officers and case agents testified for the State. Court overruled a defense objection that statements of "Selena" in exhibit 275 was admissible.

Defense objects to a string of exhibits and is overruled by the Court (allowing the State to introduce).

Ledgers are allowed as evidence with certain redaction (words covered with tape). This seems to apply to exhibits 264 through 272 for the State.

On Day 9 Lots of sealed exhibits opened including 148.001 through 148.038 (lots of sub-exhibits to each main exhibit).. and others...

This is just one of the many felony cases I am following - all related to consenting adults showing how serious the crime of sex for money is in the U.S. vs most of the more "free" world to have adult pleasures. As always I warn never advertise or offer sex acts for a fee, that is a serious crime in Arizona. A felony if you work together with another, have a driver, phone helper etc.

Our tax dollars at work protecting citizens from safer consenting adult pleasure sharing.