Red Rose/London Rose NCNS

blasphemouse's Avatar
Booked for an hour session the 1st day, TCB response was timely at 1st. Got a seemingly friendly lady on the other end. Set up a time and it seemed to go smoothly. I asked her a little later if we can adjust time to 30 min earlier, she texted back she wanted it to be 30 min later. I said okay fine.

Time got close for the appointment. I texted to confirm. Got crickets. An hour later, I get a text about his she had issues with her card and couldn't book an incall. She said she'd make it up the next day. I said okay.

The next day, I set up time again for something later. She said it'd be perfect. We go back in forth a little and it's set. About 30 min earlier I ask for a location to head to. Again crickets. I shrug it off and drive to the general area on time. Waited 40 min. Called and texted. No response. I head back and an hour later, she texts and says she's sorry. She told me she was working out and couldn't make it on time. She also told me to cut her a break cause she is new and because she apologized.

So here you have my side of this story. Ya sure I could be a sucker and not inform anyone else, but that's not what this site is for. Good luck to others trying to see her. Hope you have a better time then I did.
Can't say you didn't give her a chance!