Ah Those Sore Loser Republicans

BigLouie's Avatar
Why am I not surprised?
That's why I'm not a Republican. They claim to be pro-free markets and pro-business but in reality with their actions show us that they couldn't even pass an Econ 101 class. You don't lay-off employees because you don't like the President, you lay-off employees because demand for your product is reduced and you adjust your capacity accordingly. Unless of course, they're willing to shrink their business and make less money.
It was a scare threat to garner a few more votes.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Somewhere along the line, the Republican train went totally off the tracks and yet they seem oblivious to the facts.

The blatant assertion made by the Republicans about making President Obama a one-term President shows how distorted their role has become.

Once the people have made a decision, it is up to the politicians to close ranks and support the chosen leader.

. . . That's the only way this great country can function.