Celebrity Date w/ BCD Time

If you could have a date with the celebrity of your choice, who would it be, and how would the date go?

Here's your chance to describe your fantasy date with the wo/man of your desires.

Don't be shy, and feel free to be graphic...to a point.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I thought ANONONE was on a break?
That's hitting below the belt.
John Bull's Avatar
Yeah Alt, what did Charles ever do to deserve that? Shame!
If you could have a date with the celebrity of your choice, who would it be, and how would the date go?

Here's your chance to describe your fantasy date with the wo/man of your desires.

Don't be shy, and feel free to be graphic...to a point. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Good question sir. Feel free to go first.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Does a winning SEC team qualify as a “celebrity”? I’ve always fantasized about having a Rick James type experience, without the drugs of course, wherein I was entertained, over a period of several days by the most attractive ladies from either a lady’s volleyball team or a lady’s gymnastics team from a university in the South Eastern Conference.
Looks like people haven't been too interested in this post - eh, maybe because the ladies still get paid for this, no matter how big the celebrity or how big the ego? Just goes with the work.
I'm sure Weiner is on somebody's list.
If you could have a date with the celebrity of your choice, who would it be, and how would the date go?

Here's your chance to describe your fantasy date with the wo/man of your desires.

Don't be shy, and feel free to be graphic...to a point. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Colin Farrell. It'd all be totally private, fabulous, very calorie consuming.

LynetteMarie's Avatar
Philip Seymour Hoffman

I've always had a crush on him... Hey are you reading this Philip?

My fantasy would be us meeting at a great restaurant here in Vegas...holding hands...I would FOR SURE kiss him now and again, perhaps give him a copy of one of my transcripts lol...

Sexy, sexy, amazing man. First choice for me.
That's an interesting choice, Lynn. He is a great actor.

I'll have to do some thinking on this topic. So many hot celebs. So many fantasies.
George Clooney.

I am and pretty much have always been completely gaga over him. He can work a suit. He's intelligent. He's funny. He even likes puppies.

Call me, George!
John Bull's Avatar
George Clooney.

I am and pretty much have always been completely gaga over him. He can work a suit. He's intelligent. He's funny. He even likes puppies.

Call me, George! Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
and boys!
Looks like the ladies are not afraid. And since someone wanted this:

Meg Ryan. She's been acting about as long as I've been lusting. I wouldn't place her in the DDG category, but she has a sensual allure that captivates me.
Verna Lisi (in her prime).

or Pam Grier..