
This weekend I had a wonderful overnight with a gent that I've seen on numerous occasions. We started our overnight with a dinner at Trulucks... I decided to pay for our meal after his protest and me slipping the money to the waitress. lol We had a wonderful evening and I decided to pay because he always goes the extra mile on our dates. I've gotten to stay in some of the best suites in Dallas from the Omni, to Joule, and Zaza. And, we've been to some amazing restaurants all on his dime, so I figured it was the very least I could do.

After discussing this with a friend, I was told I was an idiot for paying. lol Surely I'm not the only lady here whom has given a gift to a gent just because. Ladies feel free to chime in on some great gifts you've given to your clients. And/or gift ideas.

Guys if you've received any gifts from ladies, let us know!
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
In before the mass of guys posting about the various kittens that they've been gifted!
Ive done this before with guys that I've had extended time or overnights with. But generally to the ones Ive seen multiple times where its my way of giving back to them in other ways beside bcd.
Guest072015-2's Avatar
Awww that's really sweet of you, Celeste and I'm sure he appreciated it! I have never paid for dinner , however, I have bought several drinks or little gifts for my regulars especially around holidays or their birthday. I always take note of when their bday is and give them a little sometime special as well as gift them with an extension of our date.
I was taken to a major league baseball game once. Best seats in the house.
Now that does sound fun! I'm looking for tickets for my ATF to see his favorite football team next season.

I was taken to a major league baseball game once. Best seats in the house. Originally Posted by KissMy
You're my kind of girl!
I've always found little gifts mean more than anything to most guys. Its the thought that counts. I'm sure your clients are forever grateful for whatever gifts you shower them with beautiful.

Awww that's really sweet of you, Celeste and I'm sure he appreciated it! I have never paid for dinner , however, I have bought several drinks or little gifts for my regulars especially around holidays or their birthday. I always take note of when their bday is and give them a little sometime special as well as gift them with an extension of our date. Originally Posted by Alexie Amor
Exactly! I figured a meal is the least I could do.

Ive done this before with guys that I've had extended time or overnights with. But generally to the ones Ive seen multiple times where its my way of giving back to them in other ways beside bcd. Originally Posted by maria goddess
Hahah lol are you sure you're new?

In before the mass of guys posting about the various kittens that they've been gifted! Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Hahah lol are you sure you're new? Originally Posted by CelesteCarter
Yes, I'm new - but if you look around the forum that we're in...what do you expect? When in Rome...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-09-2015, 08:35 AM
Thank you for starting this thread.

Gifts are always an unexpected but enjoyable surprise. To me, the best ones are those that are personalized. The point of a gift is to say "Thank you, you are special and I appreciate you", so I think the nicest gifts are those that reflect some time put into selecting them.

I have received a small toiletries bag that I use almost constantly and reminds me of her every time I travel.

I have a monogrammed wallet with her initials on it--and coincidentally they are my initials also! Again, it is a pleasant way to be remained of her on a regular basis.

Gifts I have enjoyed giving:

--A box of Jell-O, carefully gift wrapped (a VERY long story behind that one, but she didn't stop laughing for a long time--and there is nothing sexier than a beautiful lady laughing).

--A hand made stuffed animal (rabbit). She was shocked, almost annoyed and asked who told me about her rabbit fetish. Until I reminded her that almost every photo on her web page had rabbits in the background. Then all was good.

--Certain pieces of jewelry that were picked out--or I had made--by a Navajo gentleman on the Santa Fe plaza. Each one with some personal connection to the lady in question.
I listen very well and pay attention to whats going on. I purchased one of the portable battery charges they have now he was complaining about carry around his wall charger then not finding a place to charge it. Another time it was some coconut oil and a Run your Butt off Books. If they're married of course they gifts have to be low profile nothing that would stand out.

You have to realize these men have very busy life's some have high power jobs and always taking car of or thinking of others.
So when something so thoughtless like buying dinner is priceless I know his face lite up. Especially if he's a really good friend.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Some of the ladies have done really wonderful things for me. Little things or big, when you know it's from the heart, it has a very special meaning. And it's never forgotten.

We have some really wonderful ladies as part of the eccie community. They have feelings, they have hearts, and they show it.
DallasRain's Avatar
I probably should NOT be posting in this section...since I am not the "top class & quality" of the ladies posting here....but WTH,I just wanted to put my two-cents
I will try to make my regular friends birthdays special......I have been known to decorate the hotel room with balloons and streamers/have a special themed birthday hat that I wear when opening door and then let client wear it for awhile/have cake or a cookie for him/aand usually gift something special to him {like most of my guys love magazines like Cowboys & Indians....that is a good gift to be discrete that they can take home}........
and for one special guy who i have known over 5 years,I planned him a "crawfish" was to be a double girl session so we both wore crawfish tail hats/decorated room in crawfish decor from party city and then we had popcorn and goodies set out to munch on......another time I did a hula girl themed party for him complete with us gals wearing grass skirts

Not as glamourus as yall gals...but they seem to appreciate it anyways

rock on ladies..yall are awesome!!
You are certainly at the top of your class beautiful! Don't allow anyone to tell you differently.

You also seem to go above and beyond for your clients, you rock!!

I probably should NOT be posting in this section...since I am not the "top class & quality" of the ladies posting here....but WTH,I just wanted to put my two-cents
I will try to make my regular friends birthdays special......I have been known to decorate the hotel room with balloons and streamers/have a special themed birthday hat that I wear when opening door and then let client wear it for awhile/have cake or a cookie for him/aand usually gift something special to him {like most of my guys love magazines like Cowboys & Indians....that is a good gift to be discrete that they can take home}........
and for one special guy who i have known over 5 years,I planned him a "crawfish" was to be a double girl session so we both wore crawfish tail hats/decorated room in crawfish decor from party city and then we had popcorn and goodies set out to munch on......another time I did a hula girl themed party for him complete with us gals wearing grass skirts

Not as glamourus as yall gals...but they seem to appreciate it anyways

rock on ladies..yall are awesome!! Originally Posted by DallasRain