What qualifies one to be a "high end" provider?

We've had so many topics lately about high end gents, high end ladies, etc. How about a fun topic about what makes a provider qualified to claim the high end title.

I personally feel it has more to do with presentation, how they carry themselves, their conversation, their personal up keep, how they advertise, etc. What it takes to keep up a high end title is reflected within their rates. Between lingerie, dresses, shoes, waxing, nails, hair, advertising, photos, videos, etc. their presentation must justify their rates. The high end girls really take the time to cultivate a brand within this hobby. They read politics, they explore business practices and strategies, they are up to date on current events, may have taken a wine class or two... They find interest in furthering their knowledge in the bedroom as well. They seek to be deserving of the gents time and money by being the best experience possible!

Men whom seek a high end woman want more than just a lay. They seek a conversation, they seek intimacy, they want a real life RELIABLE girlfriend to spend their downtime with, without all the hang ups. In my experience, the gents whom don't mind splurging on the higher end ladies, do so because they prefer the discretion as well as her beauty, her wit, and her sexual being. The intimate moments go beyond what could be explored within a single hour! And, they often seek an environment that is welcoming, non rushed, and nonjudgemental where they can relax and explore their sexual desires...

These are my humble opinions, but I would like to hear from both the ladies and the gents on what actually qualifies someone to take on this title. Is it simply the price point? Simply her beauty? Guys let us in on why you would choose a high end woman vs. us regular gals. lol
Character. Integrity. Personality. A desire to learn. A solid sense of self worth. To Be A Genuine, Positive, Healthy & Happy Woman.
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*disclaimer*: I'm a newbie, so this is speculation of the uninitiated.

Guys let us in on why you would choose a high end woman vs. us regular gals. lol Originally Posted by CelesteCarter
1. Intelligent, thoughtful response.
2. Eye-catching beauty.
3. Ability to read a mood and body language - to provide exactly the right solutions to the right needs, without the needs having to be spoken.

I daresay the rest of what I would say are branching observations.
I may be showing my tenure here, but for a while this thread was always on the first page. 32 pages of people detailing their expectations and experiences with what would constitute a high dollar hotty (that term seems to have been rebranded as classy now). There may be some valuable information to mine from it.

A lot of people in this thread have the idea that the #1 rule of being a classy provider, is not calling yourself a classy provider! What is already understood need not be further explained. You just are! It's reflected in every post, every image, every interaction.

IMO, a high end provider is expected to be well mannered, cultured, manicured, articulate, engaging, and should have a certain air of professionalism. She should be someone who can blend in with her environment and know how to interact in different situations. I agree with you 100% and think how you brand yourself and handle your image is important as well. All of these are things that must be in place before a gentlemen even decides to step foot in your door. You can provide the best service possible once they meet you, at the nicest incall with all the amenities and niceties you can imagine, but if your ideal client isn't even making it to your door you may need to alter your marketing strategy. Some say that a true high class companion doesn't market herself at all, but only gains clients through private referrals, but I've never been with an agency so I can't attest to that.

I also think service plays a large role here. Celeste, you mentioned in a thread a while ago you were considering adding a home-cooked dinner option which I think is a phenomenal idea and really separates you from your peers. I personally am not a big cook, but I make it a point to go above and beyond for those gentlemen kind enough to spend their time with me repeatedly. If you strive to be the best at what you do and you treat your guest in a manner consistent with how you would treat your dream guy it is easy to be viewed as a true class act.

Just my .02 cents
I resonate deeply with many of the responses above. Another thing I think sets high class ladies apart is their customer service skills. Does a lady respond within a short amount of time to a client inquiry? Does she do her best to accommodate a client within reason for any of his requests? Does she carry herself in a way that he can take her to a variety of events without awkwardness? All things factors are one part of what makes a provider classy/high end/upscale in my opinion