Anyone here been Busted by Vice Police?

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I sometimes call the ads and meet up with ladies I see on Backpage and luckily I have never encountered a setup or police sting. Has anyone here, whether Provider or Hobbyist, ever encountered undercover Vice cops or people that looked like one?

I remember talking to a Provider about a situation where she had a "hobbyist" trying to get her to talk about her services in the room and how much her fee was for performing the acts, and that throughout the whole conversation, she noticed that this guy never made the "move" or even "asked" her to remove his or her clothes. So she kept talking to the guy, talking, talking, talking, about random topics until the hour ended. She noticed that this guy was sweating unusually. She never found out if this guy was undercover or not, but her gut kept telling her that he was and finally she left his place.

Another interesting story I read in some newspaper was where a Vice cop pretending to be a "Hobbyist" actually had "sex" with the Provider and then he arrested her, and booked her in county jail.

Have any of you ever been in such or faced similar situations?
No I have not.

I read a story not a few months back that a woman who was a SW in Florida got into a car with a guy who only offered her a hamburger. If I recall correctly after eating the hamburger the guy asked her what can he expect as payment for the hamburger and the SW said I will give you a BJ. The guy was a cop and arrested her right then.
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
the first legal issue i ever had was in killeen.

I had gotten a call from a guy who said he was in town with some friends and asked if i did outcalls. I answered yes and that my rate was $250 for the hour and $150 for the half hour. he just said ok when can you come over and I went through my list of things to do and said when im on my way ill let you know.

after some time had passed he called back and asked about what time because he was about to go out to dinner with his friends so i felt a little rushed. I was always afraid when i first began providing about going to see clients whos rooms were the closest to the office on the first floor because i always imagined if i were to be in a sting thats where they would set it up. Well i get there and I notice the person at the front desk noticing me. Usually they greet me or dont notice me. This one didnt greet me but she definitely noticed me. Then i go to the room which was the first room in the hall after the fitness center.

before i had knocked i noticed it was a handicap room for the hearing disabled and thought to myself on such a busy day why they would give a disabled room to someone who clearly wasnt deaf because i just had a conversation with him.

i was hesitant to knock and barley even knocked bc i didnt really want him to answer. well, he opens the door and lets me in. Normally i shake hands or embrace but i had been in Waco about 2 or 3 months and noticed that the business was way different than Dallas and that the area had alot more girls robbing from clients or bait and switching and had heard police were more on point, and almost no one knew what i was talking about when i asked if they had accounts on here or p411. I had been met with several guys who would say something like on the count of three can we touch each other bc he was afraid i was a cop. That being said, i go into the room with the cop and he sits directly on the bed and i put my purse down. He reestablished my rate for the hour but he said $200 and i told him it was actually $250. He counted it and attempted to hand it to me but i told him we could handle that later and let him put it up. the very first thing this guy says is "so for the first ten minutes can i get a blow job?" I started panicking because that was the most freakin bizarre question any guy has asked me, nervous or not... i told him you shouldve already researched my services online and began kinda pacing in the room. Then he asked if he had to wear a condom and that one i was stumped on. I offer bbbj, so instead of answering i stayed silent. He repeated himself and i kinda tried to laugh it off like maybe he would hear the answer he wanted even though i didnt say yes or no. He noticed something was bothering me and asked what was wrong.... i told him dude, i think youre a cop. he laughed and said he thought i was a cop too and why do you think that he was? I pointed out that the first two things he said to me was services and money, and then he was making me nervous by just staring at me on the bed and that he didnt even give me a hug and he wasnt getting comfortable. he told me he wanted me to do that for him so i sat next to him and reached for his belt buckle acting like i was unfastening it. To most men, they eagerly help by doing it themselves when i fumble around well instead he leaned back trying not to touch me. I hopped up and said i was outta there and he was like wait please, ok on the count of three lets each take something off. So he counted and i unbuckled my pants to take them off and as i was taking off my shirt i heard the door open. I remember he said his friends and him were going out to eat so at first i laughed and started to say i think your friends are here..... to which i was greeted by Killeen PD.

after that case i began a new routine by coming into outcalls and asking to use the restroom first while they got comfortable. I got a call one night from a gentleman who was staying at the sterling hotel in dallas off of regal row and was looking for some company and asked if i provided outcalls, again i said yes and told him the rate he said ok id like an hour and i went through my list of things i had to do and told him to text me the address and ill notify him when im on the way.

at the time i didnt have a car so i had two friends with me and we were coming back from an outcall but had some stops we had to make in town for them. again some time passed and he asked if i was still coming. i apologized for it being so long but i still had to drop my friends off so i could come alone. He texted me back and was like well if your friend is just as pretty you shouldnt waste time taking her home that she should join us. i told him we did provide two girl shows but that i would have to give her some of my donation so i would need a larger donation for that. we agreed on two girls doing a show for an hour. me and my friend go in and again noticed the front desk noticing us. we even both pointed it out. Well, this guy was on the 6th floor so i didnt really think twice about it. At the time a friend of mine was in jail and i had the money to bond them out already so i was paying more attention to my phone trying to get phone numbers and bond info once he let us in. My girlfriend sat on one bed and i sat on another and plugged in my phone. He said $400 right and counted it out and stuck it out for me to take and i told him i wasnt worried about that and he placed it on the table. he was asking us questions but they werent really about services or money they were small talk questions and my girlfriend went to take a shower. my phone rang and i apologized to the date but it was important i take the call. after it ends i go to the mirror and begin fixing my hair and he follows me around asking me questions this time more suggestive, do i like doing this or do i like doing that do we do this i just gave a little laugh and said we will find out soon enough. she gets out and lays on the best in the towel and i begin to take off my clothes. as i unfastened my bra i realized i had totally forgotten a (Staff Edit: Reference to forbidden substance removed. CZ) i had put there when i was driving. i didnt want to offend him so i made it unnoticeable as i took off the bra by keeping it in the cup. he asked if we did anal. I didnt answer i just wanted the session to hurry up so i could call my friend back about a bondsman. The girl i was with said she could do it for an extra donation. police came in we got dressed but i left my phone laying out and my cash i kicked over the (staff edit) they came in and the vice cop told us we were both under arrest. i asked him why i was under arrest because to my knowledge i hadnt accepted any money from him and never answered any of his sexual questions. he responded by telling me he wasnt going to tell me so i could be a better liar and when i began arguing with him he said it doesnt matter you're lying to your probation anyways so how far do you really wanna go? He had overheard a part of the conversation with my friend about not having a real job but someone verifying so i could use the bondsman he had bc the person who would bond needed to have a stable job. after they cuffed us they went to grab my money and found the (staff edit) they asked whos it was and neither me or her said anything.

later i was talking to my attorney and he said they had claimed they had found it in my purse..... and i got heated. i told him i didnt even have a purse. then something else clicked. i remember taking off my jewelry in the call and the lady that was cracking jokes about me and my other friend the whole time had asked whos it was and i remember telling her it was my property. ive never seen it since then. those two cases are still pending although my lawyer told me i still havent been indicted on the felony.

my problem is

1. I have no idea what questions i should be asking my lawyer.
2. I feel like if i were to fight the cases i could possibly get them dismissed but my lawyer doesnt make me feel confident that he knows what hes doing because i DONT know what hes doing IF hes doing anything......
time4play's Avatar
Simple solution.. if you aren't comfortable with your lawyer.. get another one. Ask alot of questions. If he doesn't know an answer, he should find out the answer and then respond. If he doesn't, get another lawyer.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Im no lawyer but you might not want to admit to having illegal "sacs" in your bra in a public online forum IJS
  • Sami
  • 09-10-2012, 10:03 AM
Agree 100% Jules .. LE lurks these boards, and can use this against you. Also if you have been busted 2 times they are probably watching you even closer. Get a lawyer who will communicate with you. Also it don't seem your sceening is real good, if they are making suggestions on the phone, why would you go? Always trust your gut if something is making you go silent then DON'T GO. You can ignore all the questions they ask & not answer but once you are there, they are going to nail your ass with something. Not all money is good money!!!

Im no lawyer but you might not want to admit to having illegal "sacs" in your bra in a public online forum IJS Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Not to mention this is a board where u are trying to attract clients and that hot mess would make me run not walk in the other direction. wayyyy too much personal information in her post. I hope the mods will delete it for her.
  • Paven
  • 09-10-2012, 12:18 PM
Also find out what type of outcall it is, I never go on an outcall to anything less than a 3 star place. I can google the hotel and read the reviews prior to going to make sure that it isn't seedy or in a bad neighborhood, because if it is you can guarantee that LE will more than likely be eyeballing it. I also won't stay in a place that has less than 3 stars and I never see LE or "hooker types" in the places that I stay.

Another thing when you go on an outcall make sure that you are dressed appropriately. 9 times out of 10 the girls that get busted look the part. Walking in wearing 6 inch clear stilettos, and a mid driff top and "Juicy" spread out across their ass, their just begging for red flags to go off when the staff sees them. Discretion is your friend. Don't take personal phone calls either in front of the person, the phone should be off and put away. When you are in an appointment that is all that you should be focused on, unless of course someone is dying which is different.

Oh and get a new lawyer, he doesn't sound like he's onto things.

I hope it all works out.

Oh and to the OP no I have not been busted by Vice or otherwise, I don't even get looked at funny when I am staying at a place for a few days that isn't a tourist town. I hope to have things continue that way for me as well. After I check in, I try to only use the stairs for entering and exiting the hotel so as not to draw any unwanted attention to myself. I am all about being on the down low.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Also find out what type of outcall it is, I never go on an outcall to anything less than a 3 star place. I can google the hotel and read the reviews prior to going to make sure that it isn't seedy or in a bad neighborhood, because if it is you can guarantee that LE will more than likely be eyeballing it. I also won't stay in a place that has less than 3 stars and I never see LE or "hooker types" in the places that I stay. Originally Posted by Paven
That is both good and bad advice for several reasons. First, on the good side, LE is probably less than willing to conduct a sting at a more upscale hotel. The hotel management might not be a cooperative in order to not create a spectacle in front of their clientele. Also, those clients willing to pay for a higher end hotel are more likely to be the type of client you want to see.

On the bad side, it creates higher costs. If I want to see a provider and it has to be a 3 star or better location, that is probably a $50 increase in cost over staying at the local no-tell motel. BTW, how do you define a 3 star hotel? I know some Comfort Inns that are as nice or nicer than Courtyards or Doubletrees.
  • Paven
  • 09-10-2012, 09:22 PM
Well I personally need to stay in a place where I feel safe and comfortable and also for my guests to feel the same way. You won't ever catch me staying in a Creep on Inn or a Flop on Inn lol. I do a lot of research prior to booking places and it's easy to find out what rating they have. I read the reviews doing my homework, my clientele appreciate the fact that I do stay in nicer places. They don't want to come to a place where folks are hanging out in the parking lot looking sketchy, they want their cars to be there once they depart.

I normally stay in business type hotels or boutique hotels. I have never raised my rates while touring the South, so I make sure the rates that I have cover my costs.

I've never had a guy pay for a room for me either, I'm not 19 I can handle my business.
When I tour in summer I have a few select incall hotels I use. I have never raised my rates and try to stay a week each trip. I found my spot in Texas that I like to do 5 days of dating and 2 days of "Me time" so its a vacation and exciting all in one package".(counting down the Texas trip!)

I have not had any of those incidents occur.Not to say it could or could not happen but honestly I believe I have upset a few gents because I have stood by my consistency and when I had a question on my P411 account last week,I realized I have been with that particular site for almost 5 years.I kinda tend to keep steller reviews or paced out and don't stack dates but I do have very frequent activity on the site in discression.
Another point is the screening....I have been trying to work best with screening outside of P411 with the request of 2 plus recent verified provider refrences as I read a provider state to not miss out on gents outside of P411 which is my main private area and posts all my info unless its in a review.Needless to say,it has not worked very well.I have been very honest and up front but the problem doing so lately is that I can not get replies,numbers or links are gone,the gents have to wait for me to wait for the replies and go back and forth emailing over and over and not getting anywhere,Its a little easier to click on my private account,email 1-2 times and BAM!!!...Have awsome date with a drama free feel I also like talking about things we might want to do or plan out request or just plain "Go with It"

Not sure after reading all this but were any of these stings through a private screening site or were they like a public forum or backpage/craigslist type of booked date? That to me makes a difference since I dont refrence from BP due to not being able to know any history at all and many other personal comfort levels. I really enjoy when a gent states in profile that he will not see BP providers .I am in no way bashing BP providers or the site,I have said a few times previous that its my "personal opinion" so this is not to make anyone upset that I say or do things the way it has so far worked.I have used Eros and Ter.All good there so far...

OP : Good question and I think it happens VERY frequent! Most would prob want to be more "utr" on the matter but the factors of what type of incall/outcall,where the info is exchanged,if screening is done and the experience or professionalism of how each provider has in her own personal ways of deciding to say yes or no etc.

Thanks for sharing and my apologies if I went back and forth.Just had a few things pop into my head but publically I wish to be more discreet but still add to the conversation.
Well play hard,be safe and have a awsome day.
~Exotic Beauty~
PigeonBoy's Avatar
it happens a lot
  • Kloie
  • 09-11-2012, 05:34 PM
When they busted in OKC last time they were at a 4 star Hotel. I have talked to providers that have been hugged, had the officer get all the way naked! Been touch on Kitty and breast! Saw ID and biz card that matched everything given! Not to mention okc pd says fun is a code word for prostitution. WTF!
p4 id P57478
IN Tulsa today!!
rp's Avatar
  • rp
  • 09-11-2012, 08:30 PM
Cops are made to make arrests - not to follow the law. And they do their job very well.
When you get caught, call Gerry Golstein in San Antonio. Expensive, but you will not be convicted.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Thanks for sharing your story, I'm sorry this happened to you Gabby.