Almost Disaster at Incall

I thought I was going to have a heart attack today.

When we started, the girl moved my clothes out of he chair so we could use the chair for fun.

When I got ready to leave, something felt wrong. I looked for my watch - it was on my wrist. Wallet, OK. Car keys - where the fuck are my car keys? We searched high. We searched low.

I thought about what would happen if we couldn't find them. Just imagine the phone call - "Honey, could you please bring my extra set of car keys to the XXX Hotel"? Actually, NO, I don't want to think about it...

10 very long minutes later, she finally found them 15 feet from where everything else was. They must have gotten thrown out when she moved my clothes. My blood pressure finally went down, my heart beat returned to normal, and I staggered off.
FootLong's Avatar
The last time a guy could not find his car keys it was because the provider used them to steal from his car. A provider should not be touching your stuff.
tpepsi's Avatar
Just imagine the phone call - "Honey, could you please bring my extra set of car keys to the XXX Hotel"? Actually, NO, I don't want to think about it... Originally Posted by OldYeller
Maybe I'm thinking of someone else but I thought you posted a while back that your SO was A-OK with your hobbying.
HedonisticFool's Avatar
The last time a guy could not find his car keys it was because the provider used them to steal from his car. A provider should not be touching your stuff. Originally Posted by FootLong
OY I agree with FL...

Sux that happened but at least a relieving outcome. Assuming that you know the provider well and trust her, keep control of your belongings. I posted sometime back that I had cash taken from me with a long term provider I thought I could trust. That still has me overly cautious.
ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 02-08-2017, 10:51 PM
Keys! Watch! Wallet! what the hell monger?, this is not a picnic! Even James Bond has his wallet picked. Here we go again with lessons 101........ only take the donation in one pocket plus a little extra for the unexpected up charge in your other pocket and you are willing to go thru with it, leave valuables in the car parked a little brisk walk away, either have an extra key or separate remote and key and leave key behind (leave your window a tad down and learn how to disable alarm in case you loose remote, it's easy, otherwise car won't turn on), if taking a shower just take your belongings with you a double check you don't drop any belonging with the excitement you put yourself through and never ever even after repeatedly visiting same provider, she will never be your confidant!!!.... oh! even with all the precautions a woman will still outsmart you! why you ask? because a woman is smarter than us mongers and they use the right "head"!
uncut78xxx's Avatar
while the above may be good advise for the guy worried about SO.....
worst advise in general when parking your car especially in hotel parking lots.... get the car broken into and you have a shitshow trying to get sorted through it all
John4229's Avatar
Security of personal belongings crosses my mind from time to time: whether it’s safer to have your wallet in the room where a provider might steal from you, or leave them in a car that might be broken into is subject to argument – not sure where you could research the statistical probability of either one happening, but it’s pretty low in either case. Be cautious and avoid doing stupid things, but there really isn’t a need to be paranoid and misanthropic.

The best advice is to stick with a known and established provider with a long history who’s serious about being in the profession. In retail, the full-time permanent staff rarely steal from their employer – they know the regular paycheck is worth more than the little bit they might steal when an opportunity arises. In the great majority of cases, it’s the part-time, temporary, and inexperienced staff who will make off with merchandise or dip the till because they don’t think long-term and are willing to take the risk of losing a crappy job they didn’t want to keep anyway.

Same is true of providers: those who are doing this for a living and mean to keep at it are not likely to steal from you because it would wreck their reputation and their business. I’d be much more cautious around new providers, visitors, young providers, and recent transfers from BP/Moco – but established ECCIE providers with good reputations are probably safe (”probably” because a good girl can go bad).

Oh, and from the same industry study (retail), it also helps not to be an asshole. Employee theft is much higher at stores where the manager is verbally or emotionally abusive of his staff, and theft is their way of getting back at him for the harassment and disrespect he inflicts upon them. I expect the same is true in the hobby, and recall a few alert threads where a client claims to be ripped off and the provider blasted back that he was an asshole and deserved it – that may or may not be the truth, but it’s certainly plausible.

So stick to established providers and don’t be an asshole, and you won’t need to be paranoid about getting ripped off.

If you’re seeing new girls and visitors, be a little more careful because the risk is higher. And if you’re going to be an asshole, then kindly fuck off from ECCIE and try another site – the providers here deserve to be treated better.
Samcro84's Avatar
I leave everything except donation in truck. My truck has keypad on door. I even do with favorite I have been seeing a couple of years. Just a habbit.

I would call a locksmith before I called SO. LOL

Maybe I'm thinking of someone else but I thought you posted a while back that your SO was A-OK with your hobbying. Originally Posted by tpepsi
Trust me - you're thinking of someone else.

On taking stuff in - I pee when I get there, and never leave my stuff alone, so she'd have to be really good to rip me off. I'm more worried about the stuff in the car.
saints & spinners's Avatar
You drove to the hotel, where would your keys go?
Having a senior moment?
Ginko Biloba
  • Sia
  • 02-09-2017, 08:13 AM
This Reminded me of that song
Oops (oh my)
by Missy ELLiott.

it's hard to stay alert in the heat of the moment! glad you found them though . I know the feeling I've had gents leave Thier watch ,glasses ,keys,wallet! and yes everything is still there right were they left it.unfortunately some providers aren't as honest as some of us.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Did you do anything before you got into the session OY? Go on a run ?

That may have caused you to get into a panic... And get all your blood pressure up. :/ I am glad you are alrite...

It could have been that you may have misplace your keys somewhere on accident...Just thinking Yeller.
handyGiraffe's Avatar
+1 what John4229 says...excellent advice, also I think it is better to have your ID with you..most of us have a routine that is when you shortcut the routine and go against your own rules that you fuck up.. Primarily....stick with the known well reviewed and participatory providers--zero in on the ones with 0 out for the young "first timer" providers..let them get 10-15 reviews before seeing one...LOL...Stick with the known vs the is easy to find the ones that are class acts...they will have 4 or 5 pages and more of exceptional reviews...not a single nsnc...that is the key benefit of ECCIE.
pickupkid's Avatar
old yeller...get a key finder...around 30.00 save you a lot of headaches
handyGiraffe's Avatar
+1 what John4229 said....
Best advice someone with 75+ reviews can give is this---
*Stay with the known and review vetted providers those with zero board drama and with exceptional reviews...
*Pay attention to veteran mongers and look at who they have seen and what they say about it at least for the info value....
*Pay attention to the area around where you are going to hobby..if find you are in a rough area or at a really rough Motel and are legitimately made to feel uncomfortable when you arrive for any reason..probably not going to be comfortable when you get inside no matter what...which will lead to erectile dysfunction and etc...
*Many of us have rules that have worked since the days of ASPD and alert to when you get impatient.. don't take shortcuts and let people slide on your rules --that is when you fuck up...or waste your money on someone who doesn't match up to your standards. You'll know when that is...the hair will stand up on your arms...LOL...does on mine anyway...
*As for your valuables...leave your jewelry and take the cash you need and a form of ID with you...hide the rest in your trunk...