Biden did the right thing. As usual trump did not

Okay few documents found in Biden’s ownership that should not have been. HIS aides turned them into proper authorities and opened the door for further investigation
Trumptard denies and forces government to obtain search warrant to find hundreds.
Trumps and idiot and so are you that defend him.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Okay few documents found in Biden’s ownership that should not have been. HIS aides turned them into proper authorities and opened the door for further investigation
Trumptard denies and forces government to obtain search warrant to find hundreds.
Trumps and idiot and so are you that defend him. Originally Posted by mtnitlion

did Biden do the right thing waiting until well after the midterms to be transparent about it? the first batch was found before the elections.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Stealing classified documents and hiding them in his garage for years is now designated as “the right thing”.

What’s the over/under on feds digging through Jill’s panties? Melania’s you don’t mind so much, but the low man will definitely get that job.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-12-2023, 03:02 PM
Stealing classified documents and hiding them in his garage for years is now designated as “the right thing”.

What’s the over/under on feds digging through Jill’s panties? Melania’s you don’t mind so much, but the low man will definitely get that job. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Oh man, that's a sick thought, you know Jill wears those old ladies panties that are sized big enough to house a super soaker piss pad.

I wonder if she shits herself as does Joe?

Did any of you see the campaign ad that featured Joe doing a mighty feat for anyone whose senile, backing his Corvette into his garage?

In the background you can see the big pile of documents.

Come to think of it, can you get piss absorbing pads with a Corvette Logo on them???

HDGristle's Avatar
Biden did a wrong thing. Trump did a wrong thing. Garland did a right thing.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
snoopy75's Avatar
Hey, the Corvette was locked!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden did a wrong thing. Trump did a wrong thing. Garland did a right thing. Originally Posted by HDGristle

yes he did, however one could say the political optics from Trump's highly over publicized issue forced him to when he might otherwise not. so we'll see how this plays out. if Trump is punished which he should not be then so should Biden who will not be. unless the Dems intend to dump him. and they might, i mean, they've rigged the process against their own candidates before, just ask Bernie Sanders. what kind of party does that? bahhaaa. and no the Republicans aren't saints either but the Democrats are the Kings of back door power broker deals. just ask the Queen herself, Hillary who also skated on the same overall issue, having sent and receiving classified documents in an unsecured manner. in order to do that, one of her lackeys had to enter a secure area and override protocols to send them to her. interesting that!!!

and by the way, Barry Soetoro lied to the public when he claimed he found out about Hillary's private email server from the press "like everyone else" when it has now been proven he himself had a email alias and regularly communicated with Hillary on her private server.

Trump actually has the upper hand here. he was president at the time and Biden was not. so unless Barry wants to cover for him and claim he was authorized by Barry to the material (he won't touch this with a 10 foot pole) then Biden is flapping in the wind.

Biden as president can't retroactively declassify the items. Barry won't cover for him. the press will work overtime to deflect the issue as "not the same". it is. actually it's worse because the NY Times, bastion of all things " WE HATE TRUMP" did an extensive review of the security of the documents at Mar-A-Lago and i can guarantee you it's far more secure than Joey's fucking garage.
HDGristle's Avatar
There's actually no upper hand for Trump. The potential charges won't be about whether the materials themselves were classified. On that ground the base issue is the same, that they had government docs that weren't their property and shouldn't have been taken.

That by itself wasn't what led to the raid.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There's actually no upper hand for Trump. The potential charges won't be about whether the materials themselves were classified. On that ground the base issue is the same, that they had government docs that weren't their property and shouldn't have been taken.

That by itself wasn't what led to the raid. Originally Posted by HDGristle

which one was president with the authority to declassify and which one wasn't?

i think you know the answer.
HDGristle's Avatar
Doesn't matter in this context.

Which one currently has the power to pardon? (This doesn't matter either)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Doesn't matter in this context.

Which one currently has the power to pardon? (This doesn't matter either) Originally Posted by HDGristle

let me tell you what matters. all presidents and vice-presidents for decades, republican or democrat, have taken and kept classified documents. all of them. Bush. Clinton. Obama. Trump. Biden.

all of this is happening because the Republicans regained control of the house and because of that the Democrats "staged" all this as an "innocent mistake" to prevent the exact same thing that happened to Trump so the press could "write off" why it's not the same thing. it is the same thing.

and it's all a great big nothingburger. except the Democrats made it a political issue to prevent Trump from running in 2024, a pretext. now the Democrats aren't in control so they staged this to limit the impact. "innocent joey" didn't know and his staff found out and turned them all in. after sitting on it for months to prevent it impacting the mid-terms.

meanwhile, "Trump BAD! Trump TRAITOR!". "Trump selling nuke codes!"


tell me again it's not the same?
HDGristle's Avatar
Gladly. They're not the same. They have some of the same base elements but as of right now someone (I Spy With My Little Eye Something Sickly Orange) went out of his way to differentiate himself bigly.

You don't have to like it and you can keep trying to ignore it but unlike Tinkerbell that little monster under the bed doesn't die just because you don't believe in it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Gladly. They're not the same. They have some of the same base elements but as of right now someone (I Spy With My Little Eye Something Sickly Orange) went out of his way to differentiate himself bigly.

You don't have to like it and you can keep trying to ignore it but unlike Tinkerbell that little monster under the bed doesn't die just because you don't believe in it. Originally Posted by HDGristle

did he? let's hear what Tucker has to say. facts are facts. especially that the "Raid" was staged. Trump's attorneys also disclosed items. the FBI said "put a better padlock on the door" then after more items became known RAIDED Mar-A-Lago.

tell Tucker he's wrong?
HDGristle's Avatar
Tucker's been known to be wrong and loose with the facts. He is after all an opinion commentator and Fox has made the argument that his show is entertainment that no reasonable person would believe. And a federal judge agreed. So maybe a couple grains of salt when he start spinning. And maybe let's look at the totality of the facts and let this play out.

Trump's attorneys disclosing docs, leaves out a pile of inconvenient facts. Hand wave away. It's ok. This is why they're not the same. Say it loudly. Say it proudly. Then repeat.

Amd oh yeah... Hur. Wasn't he a Trump appointee and well liked on both sides of the aisle?

Yeah, that's the guy. Let him do his job and then judge the work. He's not George Santos, swimming in a deep ass pool of lies and embellishment that might even make Trump blush hard enough to add some rosy glow to the bronzer.

I let Durham do his work and some folks thought he did a great job despite failing to secure convictions of note. Man still has a damn fine goatee, though. Much respect to his facial hair.