DM Register and AMPs

The Register has done a series of three articles on AMPs and sex trafficking recently. One of the main points the Register is emphasizing is that law enforcement should be arresting more customers. I'm staying away for a while, just in case LE, or politicians are reading/listening.
omg_lol's Avatar
Never been to an AMP but see a couple when I’m out and about. Ever since the Kraft bust, their parking lots have been full lol. Rather than try to embarrass rich and powerful johns, it introduced millions of people to rub and tugs. Good going, LE.
But really, all this police time and expense to stop some guys from getting a handjob.
I love how all the articles and tv news stories reference advertising on backpage and craigslist. Nevermind those have been gone for a year or more. Also, lumping every business together and making it seem like everyone is walking into a brothel. Far from it. Also fail to mention you get a much better massage for half the price of a "legit" one.
The news media lies all the time. Their characteristion of AMPs is simply to serve a narrative that likely jars loose federal dollar for "human trafficking". I've know a number of AMP gals and AMP bosses over the years and not even a sniff of trafficking...not in the slightest. I could go on, but why bother. The shrill, pussy hat wearing catladys will just keep bleating their same non-sense.