Ho Hum, just another Democrat trying to trample your First Amendment Rights

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Just another reminder that Crazy Ass Leftists hate America and must be destroyed

Congressman introduces bill that criminalizes criticism of any “non-White person”

US Congressman Sheila Jackson Lee has represented the 18th district of Texas since 1995. She is the sole sponsor of House Bill 61, which she introduced on January 9th, 2023.

Lee titled the bill “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023.” It calls for a new type of federal hate crime conspiracy charge solely aimed at White people.

It says individuals can be charged with a “conspiracy to engage in a White supremacy hate crime” for crimes or plots they had no actual knowledge of.


Anyone who criticizes immigration or vilifies any “non-White person or group” in an article or social media post can be charged with this crime. They would face this charge if someone they have never met or communicated with is accused of “planning, development, preparation, or perpetration” of a crime.

Lee’s bill would be a soft repeal of the US Constitution’s first amendment.
berryberry's Avatar
Jonathon Turley:

The anti-free speech movement in the United States continues to grow with alarming speed among writers, journalists, academics, and most importantly Democratic members of Congress. Members now openly call for censorship and the manipulation of what citizens see and read. Yet, even in this environment, a recent proposed by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Tx.) is a menacing standout. Jackson has introduced a bill that is an almost impenetrable word salad of convoluted provisions. However, what is clear (perhaps the only clear thing) is that the “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023” would gut the First Amendment and create effective thought crimes.

HDGristle's Avatar
Similar to the stove issue, the outrage and concern over whether this will actually happen seems overblown to the point of hyperparody

This is effectively a rehash of HR 7995 from the last congress and it went nowhere. Nowhere. Under a Pelosi led House with Dem majorities in the House, a Dem controlled Senate and a Dem in the WH.

What is so concerning about it now that you think it's going to make it out of the House this time?

Nothing. Anyone with common sense knows this sole sponsored bill is dead on arrival and going nowhere.

Hyping it up and also claiming that leftists need to be destroyed? Hilariously hyperbolic hyperpartisan crap that tells us that some folks on the right are just as ridiculous as those on the left. Equally intolerant. Equally trafficking in the politics of fear and division. Equally fringe.
berryberry's Avatar
LOL, yeah let's pretend a crazy ass leftist congresswoman introducing a bill to trample your first amendment rights by criminalizing criticism of any “non-White person” is overblown

No one said it would make it out of the house with the GOP now in control. But this is the type of dangerous anti-American thinking that is typical of the crazy ass left these days.

And I reported it since it was in the news. So much so that even Jonathon Turley called it out

Not surprising though that you continue to make excuses for your leftist ally's
berryberry's Avatar
Glenn Greenwald - TODAY - (I guess this noted very liberal renowned journalist is hyping this too)

Texas Dem Jackson Lee just presented one of the creepiest and most chilling bills in years to criminalize speech. We covered it and the global trends it represents on last night's System Update


HDGristle's Avatar
So typical of the left that it had no co-sponsors? So typical of the left that it's a rehash of a bill that didn't get support when Dems had full control?

Trying to normalize this as typical of the left doesn't pass muster. It's clearly fringe.

And yes, Greenwald is hyping this. Has been. It's been part of his revenue stream and brand building to hype these kinds of controversial vaporware bills, deliver hot takes and sensationalize.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-18-2023, 07:07 PM
She is the queen of entitlement and the duchess of white hatred.

No wonder she was memed like this.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-18-2023, 07:10 PM
And if any of you are familiar with Worthington PA, you know the "Sign Guy", and his billboards near his gas station.

There was an article in the Trib a few days ago, about the people who don't feel he should be able to put up the signage that he does becauses its hate speech.

The even got a quote from the FBI that they are aware of his signs, and will monitor them, and arrest as needed if they break the law.

What a veiled threat on a government agencies part.
berryberry's Avatar
Yes, what she proposed is the type of dangerous anti-American thinking that is typical of the crazy ass left these days.

It fits with Senile Biden using Big Tech to illegally censor journalists and other Americans

It fits with Adam Schiff using Big tech to illegally censor journalists and other Americans

It fits with a myriad of crazy ass leftists in government who are pro censorship

This is typical of what the left is today. Dangerous, anti-American tyrants who want to trample over free speech and the first amendment (among other constitutional rights)