The scope of people on this board.

I wonder How many men here have committed sexual assault? There's no way to get that verified ladies nor will they ever admit it to you. Along with the other possible bad life style choices, I do not see how references and verified prostitutes provide much at all in safety. The prevalence of woman here running specials and having to mention haggling as a dislike in their showcases lndicates that many men here are very limited financially which translates into a lack of real world job success, which corresponds with what I previously said about bad lifestyle choices.

Fortunately this is not true of everybody here but remember even if you never encounter or cause a problem, possibly being seen at the location your leaving body fluids and finger prints if something was to turn that location into a crime scene or if something was to happen to that woman and the police are looking for clues and suspects.
Realize also some wives and girlfriends would not think twice about assaulting a hooker if she found out. Wouldn't that suck being interrogated by police because of someone else's crazy significant other.
Xesaddict's Avatar
CS. Where is all of this coming from and for what real purpose? Another question I have is did you join this website to fuck or just talk? You have 43 posts to date and 0 reviews. I am all for intelligent and productive discourse, but don’t you think it’s time to get your pecker wet then tell us how the provider you saw is a victim of social injustice and her own poor choices?
Precious_b's Avatar
... The prevalence of woman here running specials and having to mention haggling as a dislike in their showcases which translates into a lack of real world job success, which lndicates that many men here are very limited financiallycorresponds with what I previously said about bad lifestyle choices.

... Originally Posted by Carribean stud

There is at least one here who has a predication of telling what he charges at his business but likes to pay below the asking menu of the women here.

Than there are others like the OP.
sprydo12's Avatar
Sounds like you're in the wrong rabbit hole bud! If you're conflicted I suggest seeking out help, most of us perverts long ago accepted and learned to manage this addictive hobby. As for the white knight it! You either need to leave or get some reviews under your belt, I'm predicting a boot soon tho!
Y'all are getting mad at me for saying it but you can't say I'm wrong. Denying the issue won't solve the issue.
So who did you assault?
Is this why you are back with a new handle?
So who did you assault?
Is this why you are back with a new handle? Originally Posted by rockerrick
Nobody in relation to the hobby but I was in a few fights at bars and such places in my teenager and college days. I do have the expierence of being with a hooker when a man entered thru the door from her personal life and I promptly left thru her second floor window wearing leaving all behind and wearing nothing but a condom I hit the ground limping towards safety at pace I doubt any limping man has limped before.
Job wise I worked for tdcj as a guard for about 4 years in administrative segregation, close custody and medium security. So at times violence along with plenty of tear gas was necessary in regards to stopping prison fights, rapes and riots. But that was 20 years ago.
I wonder How many men here have committed sexual assault?
The prevalence of woman here running specials and having to mention haggling as a dislike in their showcases lndicates that many men here are very limited financially which translates into a lack of real world job success, which corresponds with what I previously said about bad lifestyle choices.

Fortunately this is not true of everybody here but remember even if you never encounter or cause a problem, possibly being seen at the location your leaving body fluids and finger prints if something was to turn that location into a crime scene or if something was to happen to that woman and the police are looking for clues and suspects. Originally Posted by Carribean stud
How many women have I sexually assaulted?

Men here are poor and making bad lifestyle choices?
Or maybe just trying to drive a bargain for a luxury good...

Don't leave your DNA in case there's a crime there?
Oh shit yeah, that's a big worry to me...

You haven't taken long to judge our little community. Maybe you're not a good fit for us low-lifes...
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
Y'all are getting mad at me for saying it but you can't say I'm wrong. Denying the issue won't solve the issue. Originally Posted by Carribean stud

You're wrong.

Shut the fuck up and go away.

No one wants to read your asinine bullshit. If you are so wise and self realized, what are you doing on this site?

See a hooker. Write a review. Or split.
Precious_b's Avatar
He's part of the community.
When he starts to refer to himself as a John/Pidgeon/Marker than he'll be completely at home.

Until than, he really doesn't know he is viewing things from the same gutter we are in.
Precious_b's Avatar
So who did you assault?
Is this why you are back with a new handle? Originally Posted by rockerrick
On the trail
sprydo12's Avatar
All bs aside, I'm a realist! I love pussy and hobbying period! Way less drama imo than other methods I've found and trust me I have no issue getting pussy otherwise. Not sure of your angle but honestly it sucks! No members gaf and I'm sure your posts are enough to run any legitimate provider off.
Two of the things that precious b proudly proclaims in his signature line indicate he has crossed some lines in this hobby.