Provider Gifts, Tips and Favors

FatCity's Avatar
Interested in provider and client perspective on this....and remember we're all doing this for various reasons and see different types of people...
How generous are you with your service provider? Does it depend on how / what they do for you? Do you always tip extra? Do you buy gifts for them?

I've always done this with all businesses that I am a regular customer of (barber, mechanic, delivery drivers) and did this with providers starting out. I would make sure to provide a full bar of refreshments at my outcall to make them feel at home, sometimes with treats/snacks and always had a gift bag of personalized shit (candles, perfume, jewelry, wine, clothes, shoes). I don't do that anymore and I've found the more I did, the less they provided and just took it for granted (got lazy). I've always had the OPPOSITE affect on the IRL businesses I frequent.

  • Mplay
  • 11-12-2021, 09:12 PM
I feel tipping or doing extra things for people in the USA is just kind of fucking expected anymore. Follow various Vegas blogs and they expect people to tip huge. I do notice big tipping gets me drinks more often in casinos and a sweeter response.

Unless your dropping big shit on escorts they could give two fucks but a thank you. What cracks me up is the ones you see what their clients gave them . So they want the big shit not thoughtful things. It’s a business. Hey as always ymmv
For my regulars I always do nice things. For valentines day last year I took her on a overnight (no hobby money exchanged), paid for the room, nice dinner out, and lingerie for me.

Another of my favorites did not have money for Christmas presents for her kids. So I purchased stocking stuffers and she provided a list of stuff for her kids. I received a free hour the next time.

I never tip, the fee in their ad is what I pay, or the grandfathered rate.
  • Mplay
  • 11-12-2021, 11:01 PM
For my regulars I always do nice things. For valentines day last year I took her on a overnight (no hobby money exchanged), paid for the room, nice dinner out, and lingerie for me.

Another of my favorites did not have money for Christmas presents for her kids. So I purchased stocking stuffers and she provided a list of stuff for her kids. I received a free hour the next time.

I never tip, the fee in their ad is what I pay, or the grandfathered rate. Originally Posted by Fizley
Ok you didn’t tip. Tipping means over end of the deal. Lol you did charity wrong thread Jesus or Santa
FatCity's Avatar
you did charity Originally Posted by Mplay
its along the same lines and at the end of the day thats what 99% of these transactions are....some benevolent fellow providing for a selling-ass-for-cash woman.

VERY FEW women do this as vocational courtesans, if we're being honest.

For some guys, providing/treating is part of the fun
myren1900's Avatar
I tip my regular nearly every session. I also bring her birthday gifts, Christmas gifts and occasionally small gifts like bottles of wine, lotions, and lingerie. In return she also gives me birthday and Christmas gifts, special rates, go out with me to lunch and dinners off the clock. Of course I pick up the tab, but it makes our dates seems more like a real than GFE experience. She will rearrange her schedule to accommodate mine and often let our sessions be longer than what I asked for.

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-13-2021, 06:04 PM
I always tip servers, valet personal, hotel staff as they all make little $, you guys are getting charged $300+ hourly and are considered tricks and you guys tip? Help the needy my friends, I can see giving a gift to a regular that you really connect with for their b-day, but valentine day? She isn't your woman tricks
FatCity's Avatar
She isn't your woman tricks Originally Posted by BLM69
big pimpin' playa .... always got the hookup with rational thought. 'ppreciate it.

One thing I was thinking about with this is, do you have a woman in your life regularly? When you visit a whore, its just a straight 30 minute round until the whistle blows then both sides retreat to their corner?
You are 100% correct in your perspective. The other side of the whore game is the illusion experience where guys can have an instant feminine interaction without the normal drama. This has value if you live a life devoid of a constant female draining your energy. There are two sides of giving for men, in particular. It is the self-satisfaction of providing, making others better, etc....that is a simple pleasure that exists outside of the reaction it produces. The other side is providing a feeling of appreciation to the receiver. I contend that this synapse simply is burned out in escorts, they don't really appreciate anything. They may provide lip service to that affect, but its all fake.

As far as (give to the) needy, I've encountered few people as needy as escorts. The only challenge is that they've been conditioned in the game to only see benevolence as weakness.

ICU 812's Avatar
When seeing an Indy Provider (rarely now-a-days) I do the research so I know she is not flakey. When we meet I offer the donation and its got a little more in it. About 10%-15%. I may also offer her a coffee gift card.

My intention is to set the stage for a GFE session. If we go a little over there is no resentment. During the session there is less in the way of time related anxiety.

I am an old school old guy now. I do not use social media. I do not make electronic transfers of funds as a deposit or for the donation. I use cash.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-14-2021, 06:34 AM
We didn't know how good we had it 5 years ago, plenty of sexy talent to go around, less BS and no simps requirements.