Thinking about Going

Since I live less than 80 miles away, been thinking about parking this side of the border, taking a taxi across over to "Boys Town" up on the hill for a Saturday night adventure. May or may not be risky though I think not. They run those clubs and make money by the likes of me coming over to visit, right? Anyone been over there recently?
  • Tiny
  • 05-05-2024, 06:54 PM
I haven't been there in years, but I agree, probably not risky if you take a taxi. One time the city police started to impound my vehicle and take me to the police station for alleged DWI, and other times I had to pay a couple of morditas for real traffic violations. A friend claimed they disassembled his car on the U.S. side looking for contraband and left it to him to reassemble. I suspect it wasn't as bad as he said though.

But all that can be avoided with a taxi. Take your passport if you don't have one of the newer "enhanced" driver's licenses they started issuing in 2016. Thursday, Friday and Saturday used to be the best nights. Hope you report back if you go.