Do any of you climate changer enthusiast own

oilfieldace's Avatar
Electric cars?
If not, why not?

Is your home powered by an alternative source?
If not, why not?

Are all your power tools battery powered?
If not, why not?

How about your lawn mowers?
If not, why not?

Come on man , practice what you preach.
VitaMan's Avatar
Topic looks better suited for the Sandbox. Don't see anything related to politics here.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Topic looks better suited for the Sandbox. Don't see anything related to politics here. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Totally Political, Nice Try...
DNinja69's Avatar
Totally Political, Nice Try... Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Yes it is. Unfortunately. There is no question we should take our negative impact on the planet seriously, yet we let it become another pissing contest talkin point and are told that in order be a good D or R we must take a stance on the far edge of the issue.
I think most of those who own E it because it is a trend, a style, showing off etc..........but I will say I just had a long (15/20 minute) talk with a guy who owns an E car and he says he loves it.........and he got $8000 back (taken off) from govt rebates............I still think the govt is shoving them down our throat however.............not convinced yet.......and NO the grid can not support all electric....IMO
biomed1's Avatar
Topic as written is not political.
Moved to Sandbox.
oilfieldace's Avatar
If I wanted one , I am not sure how far it is to a charging station, 50 miles at least
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Topic as written is not political.
Moved to Sandbox. Originally Posted by biomed1
how it not political?

this is about the so-called green economy which is another way of running a green scam or green washing. people are being duped into buying this.

these electric cars aren't very practical to start with.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If I wanted one , I am not sure how far it is to a charging station, 50 miles at least Originally Posted by oilfieldace
these cars have a range of 200 to 300 miles. they're good for driving around the city, but terrible for driving to another city or further.

winter driving is going to suck. mileage gets halved. the heater will eat up that energy.

charging is going to take up about 30 minutes to an hour depending on the type of charger and service and battery type. there are fast chargers that do go up to 15 minutes; a little bit better I guess. I think you'll find those on high end luxury EVs.
Lespaulmankc's Avatar
If you want an EV, by all means buy one.

I enjoy driving by charging stations in 100+ degree weather watching people sweltering with their doors open. Lol