Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
Well I set up a proton mail account too- here is mine
Sweetsugarcookies@protonmail.c om

You’re Welcome hon. Just want for all of us to stay in touch rather than panick such as when ASPD shut down.

Big shout out to Dara for starting this thread and bravo to all protecting their hobby handles with a protonmail addy.

As a very long time hobbyist, no, not quite as old as dirt, imo yes, the possibility of big changes coming looks to be very real.

Of course, the biggest change in my 40+ years' career was the intro of the internet back in 1998.

Before that, the hobby flourished mainly by word of mouth, underground and alternative newspapers (Austin Chronicle) and the "network" of madams in many cities and states, which, to a degree is still in existence, aided, of course, by the 'net.

No, the hobby is not going away in what's left of my lifetime nor that of anyone here regardless of youth.

Couple of links in my signature have more information, and, of course, "face to face" imho is the very best way to "interview" and make introductions and selections.

Happy Hobbying! Originally Posted by ck1942
Dr Grey's Avatar

Has anyone discussed where the next go to website is? Originally Posted by SummerBlair93
Likely won't be one. Any with a possibility of trafficking will not operate. Will see if this one lasts but I'm afraid not. Get a list of contacts, especially social organizers to attend parties. Will be the best way.
gman45's Avatar
Thank you Sweet Dara!
TheObscure's Avatar
Someone should take the time to creat a data base for sale ... or girls should all move to social media
Yeah I’m kinda at this, if the site were to go black no one is going to read this.
Yahoo groups are free.
Awesome idea Dara I need to come up there and see you again it's been way to long

Here's mine, lovelyevelyn@protonmail.com I plan on playing in Austin this summer.
SweetBabyBeth's Avatar
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Well, I guess you never know.
risn2theoccasion@protonmail.co m

Just in Case