President Biden: Ban the Guns!

ICU 812's Avatar
President Biden, ban the guns!

Ban the guns! A lot of heated discussion, shouting and name calling goes on about firearms today. Ok, so go ahead and ban the guns. Make it unlawful for a private citizen to purchase, own or posses a firearm. There is a bullet-proof way to do that without involving lawyers, judges or courts.

The mechanism for doing this is set out in The Constitution rather explicitly. There are several pathways, but all involve amending The Constitution. With an amendment revoking the Second Amendment in The Bill of Rights, a gun ban would be impervious to any ruling from the Supreme Court even if there were nine justices more conservative than Ronald Reagan.

If the overwhelming public sentiment in the USA is to prohibit private ownership of firearms, then amending The Constitution is the way to go. Everyone in favor of "gun control' or now "gun safety" already knows this.

President Biden: Go ahead snd ban the guns!
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2021, 06:41 AM
ICU - and teh DPST gun-grabbers canlook that up - theyhate the Constitution and prefer to ignore it.

What chance does a revocation of eh second amendment standas a Constitutional amendment - it will take years - and likely not much chance - fortunately.

DPST's are about criminalizing all Caucasian gun owners - and ignoring teh illegal weapons in teh hands of gangs, cartels, and felons - who they expect to contribute to DPST coffers and vots to stay in power forever.

They want to Violence, murders, and horrors to give themselves the false imprimateur to confiscate weapons used to defend against precisely the DPST party - and teh Founders forsaw the rise of teh criminal fiden DPST party and their to destroy representative democracy - which they have done with HR-1!!.

Their aim is total control of a disarmed Amerika - and they are treasonous, seditious criminals - Every One.

From my cold dead hands - at at least Manchin sees this coming. The rest are nazipelosi/commieschumer ideologically oblivious to the consequences of their actions.
Many of our fellow Liberals on this Site poopoo all of the talk of the Dems banning firearms and then confiscation law abiding citizens Guns. They pass it off as right wing paranoia.

I can ask them one question. Who will stop them?
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2021, 07:44 AM
Who will stop the woke DPST marxists from disarming to enable subjugation of teh people under their woke marxism?

Legal, law-abiding weapon holders who will be forced to oppose the criminal marxist traitors of teh DPST party, who will subjugate America to woke idiotology if they are not opposed - and will likely require force to do so.

Anyone is welcome to come and take mine provided they're ok with receiving them lead first.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Let's talk reality here. Amending the Constitution relative to the 2nd Amendment is never going to happen but restrictions on the second amendment have happened and will happen again to some degree. Banning the bump stock was done by Trump with EO. So called "assault rifles" have been banned in the past and most likely will be again given the make up of the current Legislative body. Biden will surely do this by EO to see if it will stand court scrutiny.

Confiscation of "guns" is not going to happen but strict licensing, number of rounds to magazines and the cost of rounds will surely be amended/ changed.

Elections have consequences and we'll surely see those consequences with this new regime.
number of rounds to magazines and the cost of rounds will surely be amended/ changed. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Glad I have a 3d printer and an ammo bench.
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2021, 09:10 AM

Anyone is welcome to come and take mine provided they're ok with receiving them lead first. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

Well written - GG!!!
I agree with HF but let's be honest.

I never thought in TX we'd be wearing masks for nearly a year. Even with Gov Abbott not requiring masks and the vaccine thing in full swing most of the big stores here in Houston are still requiring masks. Almost everyone puts their mask on when they get out of the car. I see a couple of people take off the mask after they get thru the front door.

I'm sure part of this is a lawsuit considerations of large corp.

The takeaway is the sheeple are becoming more compliant. Soon "Only criminals need guns" and "Its only property, it can be replaced" chorus of idiots will hold office and take over.

Social disobedience is needed more than ever. There's still thousands of troops at the fenced Capitol building and I don't see one protest.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Being honest , EO that violate the constitution (2ad) not legal so I agree with Gaston I will not comply
I agree the sheeples/snowflakes are the problem they listen to the "chorus of idiots"
Now we understand why troops in DC , they are worried about social unrest ( I wonder why)
HedonistForever's Avatar
I agree with HF but let's be honest.

I never thought in TX we'd be wearing masks for nearly a year. Even with Gov Abbott not requiring masks and the vaccine thing in full swing most of the big stores here in Houston are still requiring masks. Almost everyone puts their mask on when they get out of the car. I see a couple of people take off the mask after they get thru the front door.

I'm sure part of this is a lawsuit considerations of large corp.

The takeaway is the sheeple are becoming more compliant. Soon "Only criminals need guns" and "Its only property, it can be replaced" chorus of idiots will hold office and take over.

Social disobedience is needed more than ever. There's still thousands of troops at the fenced Capitol building and I don't see one protest. Originally Posted by gnadfly

I don't have a problem with stores, restaurants mandating masks, it's their business to regulate. Don't want to wear a mask, don't shop there or eat there. I do object to government making such mandates taking away the right of the people to make their own decisions about their own health.

Right now, I'm fully vaccinated but I will still be required to wear a mask when I grocery shop and any other establishment I might chose to enter if they have a mask mandate. I'm not going to get into an argument about how I've been vaccinated like some others are doing. I'll continue to were a mask in a business that mandates it.

Here in Florida, that is pretty much the rule. Our Governor has taken away the ability of law enforcement to fine anybody for not wearing a mask. If a business wants to expel a customer, put a sign on their door "Masks must be worn", I support that right.

If one is afraid of Covid, follow all the rules and you "should" have nothing to be afraid of. If masks don't actually work and you get Covid anyway, such is life.

But back to the topic. What ever Biden does via EO to regulate not reject the 2nd Amendment as a whole, the next Republican President and legislature can change it if that is the will of the people. If the will of the people is to keep these morons in power, then a legislative means may no longer be possible and other means may have to be brought into play, the right to life and liberty to defend oneself.
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2021, 11:51 AM
RD and HF - amen - good Sirs!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Nobody is taking my 1st Henry away from me. He is like family. You can take my 9MM but you can't take my 1st Henry. I've already sold all of my other guns so just leave me with Henry 1.0.
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2021, 12:00 PM
And when fiden Gun tsar beta beto stands on your front door - like a loyal dpst minion - you will happily hand over your first Henry!

a Man will give it to teh DPST Gun Tsar - lead end first
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Wrong as usual oeb. I have a lot of lawyers in my family whom owe me favors for what I have done for them. My 1st Henry stays with me no matter what.