The video of the suspect at the Capital.

bambino's Avatar

Does EMS put a person on a gurney with an arm and leg dangling off? Do they administer CPR with one hand on the right side of the chest? Not above the heart? If he was shot, where’s the blood? Asking for a friend.
They're practicing for when Joe gets a heart attack. Kamala and Dr Jill gave specific instructions.
winn dixie's Avatar
I tell you he dead

Hes not a martyr! Hes a hateful terrorist!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Apparently, he was a follower and believer of this guy:

That's not Trump!
ICU 812's Avatar
So I guess he was not a "white supremist" then?
LexusLover's Avatar
So I guess he was not a "white supremist" then? Originally Posted by ICU 812
You also probably "guessed" there was NO Russian collusion in 2016.

The LameStreamMediaCommunistSocial istLiberalLiars keep trying to convince ALL that the Sun "rises" in the West ... in honor of China!

You probably won't hear much about this "invasion" of the Capital grounds and the invader's social, cultural, political, and/or attitude toward Trump and the U.S.A. Since his social media posting reflect that he believed Farrakhan to be the person to save the U.S.A. and the "Jesus" of the contemporary times.

Bitten will be pissed!
"no known ties to extremist groups"

"appears to have been a lone wolf"

its inexplicable, a review of his social media reveals nothing to indicate he was a radical of any sort,

he was a member of the nation of islam

in other news:

Republican Ties to Extremist Groups Are Under Scrutiny A number of members of Congress have links to organizations and movements that played a role in the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol.

in its stand down and review of military members the Pentagon says one radical is too many and the true numbers are not known because adherents who have been recruited by extremist groups or encouraged to enlist often organize and communicate in secret.
ICU 812's Avatar
Looks like there should be an FBI background check to get a driver's license or to buy a car.
LexusLover's Avatar
Looks like there should be an FBI background check to get a driver's license or to buy a car. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Who said there isn't one?

FYI: Before this year is up those who voted for Trump, or are "suspected" of doing so, will be in a "watch" list for everything from borrowing money to getting a concealed carry license ... not to mention "background" check for a job interview. There is your list of places you've been and with whom you were near at the time and for how long.

AT&T is on a campaign to "conspire" with the Feds to invade even burner phones used in the hobby to connect the phone to ALL other AT&T accounts ... including TV/Audio entertainment so they can monitor the movie substance and music style one "enjoys"!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Okay whats the LSM to do , Not white guy , not "black gun" not trumper they will run story for a day or two then drop it .
Lets see mental issues again ??
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
black supremacist!!!!