The best ever!

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  • oden
  • 07-05-2010, 09:54 PM
Event, emotion, activity, memory, feeling or sensation that has occurred to you? Will you share?

For me; not in order, and I'll share more as we go along, but catching the biggest fish with my father as a child in an adult fishing tournament, kissing a little girl on the cheek as a child and having her not run away, getting paid for mowing a lawn and spending it all on a rootbeer float, flying in a four seat airplane, having a girl put her mouth around my manhood and then teaching me to please her in the female equivalent and having sex in every way imaginable with a bridesmaid in the back of a pinto in freezing weather where it was it was stay active or become popsicles.
SCUBA diving for the first time was the most thrilling thing for me. I've also Sky Dived and it was too scary to enjoy.
I miss the firsts. I don't get many of those anymore...
In the 80's flying from Houston hobby to Msy with a package. After the first time the adrenaline rush went away. Is that what you were looking for.
A little over a year ago my dog was attacked by two great Danes. I took him to the emergency vet that night to be treated, but the wounds were so deep that a week later a large abscess developed. Edward ended needing emergency surgery , if they had waited any longer the abscess would have gone into his blood, and his organs would have shut down.

All I can remember of that day was feeling terrified that at any minute they were going to call me to tell me that there was nothing they could do for him.The people at the clinic made me leave before his surgery , so I was afraid that Ed was going to think that I had abandoned him because he was sick, and that was going to be the memory that he may die with.

Well, as you already know Edward not only made it through the surgery , but he woke up while still on the table, and it took five people to hold him back( he was pissed).I got over there as soon as they would let me back in, and there was Ed, shaved nearly bald with a huge cone on his head, and all of these drains on his back that looked like little bows. The moment he saw me his eyes got huge, and he slowly wagged his tail to let me know how happy he was to see me.In my entire life I have never seen anything, or anyone as beautiful as Edward looked at that moment.

I have traveled all over the world, and have seen many spectacular sights in my life , but nothing will ever compare to that moment.It was like the rest of the world was in black, and white until Edward put the color back.
Becky, you should read The Art of Racing in the Rain. It's one of my favorite books. Its a story about a family but the story is told by the family dog.
I just finished that book. What a beautiful novel. Made me cry.
Me too, I've given 3 copies away and plan on giving another away. I love doggies!
Becky and Ed, you two are so lucky to have found each other and spend your lives together. I am glad to read how Ed came through.

As to "The Art of Racing in the Rain," it is a great book to read especially if you're dog person. or a pet person. When they talk of racing in the rain, it is a talent to go fast in the wet. The way he describes it is so spot on (I do some amateur auto racing). I do okay in wet weather too so it was a great read on many levels. A friend had given it to us after we lost a dearly beloved pet this winter.
Becky, you should read The Art of Racing in the Rain. It's one of my favorite books. Its a story about a family but the story is told by the family dog. Originally Posted by anova444

I had never heard of that book.It sounds like a great one.

You are welcome Becky. You and Ed will love it.
A little over a year ago my dog was attacked by two great Danes. I took him to the emergency vet that night to be treated, but the wounds were so deep that a week later a large abscess developed. Edward ended needing emergency surgery , if they had waited any longer the abscess would have gone into his blood, and his organs would have shut down.

All I can remember of that day was feeling terrified that at any minute they were going to call me to tell me that there was nothing they could do for him.The people at the clinic made me leave before his surgery , so I was afraid that Ed was going to think that I had abandoned him because he was sick, and that was going to be the memory that he may die with.

Well, as you already know Edward not only made it through the surgery , but he woke up while still on the table, and it took five people to hold him back( he was pissed).I got over there as soon as they would let me back in, and there was Ed, shaved nearly bald with a huge cone on his head, and all of these drains on his back that looked like little bows. The moment he saw me his eyes got huge, and he slowly wagged his tail to let me know how happy he was to see me.In my entire life I have never seen anything, or anyone as beautiful as Edward looked at that moment.

I have traveled all over the world, and have seen many spectacular sights in my life , but nothing will ever compare to that moment.It was like the rest of the world was in black, and white until Edward put the color back. Originally Posted by Becky
Edward is lucky to have you...

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  • 07-07-2010, 10:52 AM
I had never heard of that book.It sounds like a great one.

Thanks Originally Posted by Becky
Get Ed to read it to ya! afterall it is from his POV!
This is not Another Realm...
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  • WTF
  • 07-07-2010, 11:54 AM
This is not Another Realm... Originally Posted by anova444
Speaking of doggies speaking....Nice avatar!