Because America is just tired of being race-hoaxed?

The word got out early that the movie unjustly portrays LBJs position on civil rights. And after two dreadful years of Obama, Sharpton, Democrats and the media race-hoaxing America with Trayvon and Ferguson and Oprah’s comparing Trayvon shooting to the killing of Emmett Till, we are exhausted by audacious lies and emotional blackmail.

Selma Cast..

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'll be looking for the MLK character to make a statement about illegal immigration. Which scene in the movie does he say that, Whir-LIE-turd?

Oh yeah... SNICK!
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
You make a thread just so you could do more talking about shit, no one cares about.
get a life man,
Why don't you fuck off with the racial shit?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why don't you fuck off with the racial shit? Originally Posted by timpage
hey fuckwad that picture in itself is racist. so you are a racist if you think it has any purpose other than to extend the racist agenda of Obammy and his ilk.

you aren't even a whore fucker. what are you even doing here? i recall you were going to leave. LEAVE. faggot.

My feeling is Americans are tired of the constant living in the dim past

From movie after movie to false narratives in realty there's only so many mea culpas innocent people who have already bent over backwards can put admit to

Coupled with the animus of the director who wasn't about to show truth if it made a white man look good and the disservice to black kids and to America in general these constant victimhoods cause, it's just too much

Even as we all see actual racism from the White House and when no white racism can be pointed to, yet we are fed novel theories of institutional racism and white privilege racism, it's old and a bit too much

How about some movie where a group of black kids save some American institution in peril and help an old white couple and in the process become American heroes even as they protest they were merely doing what was right and that they were merely doing what Americans should do?
Ozombie Kings mantra: "Punish success and reward failure"... Oprah's gonna get a nice Birthday present?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JDIdiot has a real problem with his skin color.
hey fuckwad that picture in itself is racist. so you are a racist if you think it has any purpose other than to extend the racist agenda of Obammy and his ilk.

you aren't even a whore fucker. what are you even doing here? i recall you were going to leave. LEAVE. faggot.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Sorry dumbass, nobody is buying the idea that people (people like you) who call the President of the United States a n####r in these very forums gets to quack about other people being racist.

Slither back under your rock.
Sorry dumbass, nobody is buying the idea that people (people like you) who call the President of the United States a n####r in these very forums gets to quack about other people being racist.

Slither back under your rock. Originally Posted by timpage
He's a socialist/marxist/non-bacon eater, Timbo... not a n####r and if he was it would only be 1/2...
The movie "Selma" in my opinion may not have gotten the traction that was anticipated because most Americans already know the story of MLK. It just wasn't a popular subject. Besides that " American Sniper" was playing in many theaters across America at the same time and that movie is a popular subject.

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
The movie "Selma" in my opinion may not have gotten the traction that was anticipated because most Americans already know the story of MLK. It just wasn't a popular subject. Besides that " American Sniper" was playing in many theaters across America at the same time and that movie is a popular subject.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
subjects aside
Sniper was directed by C. Eastwood, stars B. Cooper
Selma directed and stars a bunch of unknowns
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think Hollywood finally got the hint, they can bend over backwards giving out awards to less deserving people of color but they will not be satisfied. They will demand to win all of the awards to make up for past discretions even though Hollywood wasn't around when they fought the Civil War. Maybe Hollywood should go for the plain old popular vote that they want for the rest of us. Forget the nominations, just read the winners and have the party later. Let the winners win and the losers lose without regard to race, campaigns, or guilt. Just vote on expertise.
The purposeful misrepresentation of LBJ aside; Selma was a good movie and deserved more rewards at the box office.