The "JV Team" strikes again:

I B Hankering's Avatar
Officials: Islamic State militants killed after penetrating perimeter of Al Asad Air Base

WASHINGTON — Islamic State militants on Friday penetrated the perimeter of an Iraqi base where about 400 U.S. troops are stationed, according to military officials.
LexusLover's Avatar
Heard that on the news ... earlier. Said 8 were killed. Based on Stars that was 100%.

Too bad it wasn't 800. But 8 sounds like a probe.
Not much to piss and moan about here the Iraq military took care of it all eight were killed no American casualties or wounded.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... the Iraq military took care of it ... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Who told you that?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wonder how well armed our "future hostages" ummm, Marines are. Can they protect themselves and have they been given orders that they can protect themselves? Where is Obama when we need to know these things?

Meanwhile back in that foreign policy success called Yemen, our equipment is being taken over by jihadists and drone flights are not longer possible out of that country. Over 60% of the drone flights in the Middle East have come from Yemen. So this is a strategic defeat for the Obama and the US.
I wonder how well armed our "future hostages" ummm, Marines are. Can they protect themselves and have they been given orders that they can protect themselves? Where is Obama when we need to know these things?

Meanwhile back in that foreign policy success called Yemen, our equipment is being taken over by jihadists and drone flights are not longer possible out of that country. Over 60% of the drone flights in the Middle East have come from Yemen. So this is a strategic defeat for the Obama and the US. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They didn't hand over shit. They destroyed the weapons. You've obviously never met a marine if you wonder about their ability to protect themselves.

And yeah, it's not like we don't have bases anywhere else over there to launch drones from
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They didn't hand over shit. They destroyed the weapons. You've obviously never met a marine if you wonder about their ability to protect themselves.

And yeah, it's not like we don't have bases anywhere else over there to launch drones from Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Really? Posting in ignorace? I spent about four years on a ship with 2,000 marines. We had a couple of marines temporary attached to my work center. I think I know marines and I do know that they follow orders. Plus, I didn't say one single word about weapons did I? That is your mistake. So tell me, who holds our embassy now? The Girl Scouts of Cleveland?

You have some serious comprehension problems. How do marines defend themselves if they have not been issued enough weapons or ammunition? Want to answer that? How about this oldy but a goody, how many US embassies have been invaded by terrorists?
The stars and stripes is just a liberal rag right judy?
Really? Posting in ignorace? I spent about four years on a ship with 2,000 marines. We had a couple of marines temporary attached to my work center. I think I know marines and I do know that they follow orders. Plus, I didn't say one single word about weapons did I? That is your mistake. So tell me, who holds our embassy now? The Girl Scouts of Cleveland?

You have some serious comprehension problems. How do marines defend themselves if they have not been issued enough weapons or ammunition? Want to answer that? How about this oldy but a goody, how many US embassies have been invaded by terrorists? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Goddamn, you're thick. You didn't say anything about weapons? You asked how well armed our 'future hostages' would be, referencing our marines. I'm the one with comprehension problems? Did you read the article? It said they destroyed their crew-served weapons at the embassy and carried their personal weapons to the airport, where they disabled them and got on a plane. At what point were they unarmed and needing to defend themselves? I notice you didn't say shit about the drones and how our entire drone program is apparently crippled because Yemen is off the table...
LexusLover's Avatar
...the Iraq military took care of it all eight were killed ...... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
.. as FACTS start dribbling out after the HEADLINES ....

... U.S. gunship(s) were deployed to attack the attackers ... and

... most of the 8 KIA's on the "jv" side were suicide bombers killing themselves.

Dozens attacked.

But U.S. personnel on the ground were not allowed to respond.

The U.S. is now on the defensive.
You are full of shit as usual lexie, why do you hate this country so bad and still live here. Wait till your news source finally get's around to the "facts"
LexusLover's Avatar
You are full of shit as usual lexie, why do you hate this country so bad and still live here. Wait till your news source finally get's around to the "facts" Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So anyone who disagrees with your "take on the facts' hates this country?

I'm not the one praising the guy who is running it into the ground. You are.

Your source: The Official Military announcement?

It is also being reported by "reliable sources" that during the past 6 moths U.S. led coalition forces have increased focused attacks in Afghanistan CONTRARY to the publicly announced "step down" and retreat by your Terrorist Czar in the White House.

What's the body count? 8?


You are giving all the credit for the kills to the students and pretending their U.S. instructors and U.S. airpower don't exist. And some of those "kills" were suicides .... Is that your "propoganda' kool-aid .. that we don't need people on the ground doing any fighting?

This is your idea of "love of this country"?
You and your ilk are the best recruiters ISIS has lexie. Just read this board. Has nothing about agreeing with me, as anyone who disagrees with your side is drinking Kool aid and is defending Obama. It is your fallback position when you distort the facts. Wait till you get the news then kiss my ass.
I love guys like you who are ready to charge the fuck in, guns blazing. Do you actually think that ISIS has the infrastructure or capability to launch a large-scale attack on our shores? This is not a normal war. If they want to send a small group to set off dirty bombs in our cities, there isn't much we can do about that. I'm tired of sending our guys over there to die at the hands of these people. Bomb the crap out of them but a large troop involvement is another thing entirely. This isn't a video game. If we send troops, actual human beings will be going over there. It won't just be conjecture on some hooker board anymore.
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  • WTF
  • 02-14-2015, 08:04 AM
I wonder how well armed our "future hostages" ummm, Marines are. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
God Damn Admiral Cornhole is already giving up on the Marines.