What's the Biden Crime Family Going to do now?

berryberry's Avatar

'Agents determined months ago they had assembled a viable criminal case against the younger Biden...'

berryberry's Avatar
Merrick Garland: "Bad news, Mr. President. Despite my best efforts, it sounds like your piece of shit son is gonna go to jail."

Senile Biden: "We need a distraction, Jack. Time to bomb Syria."

NEW: The US military carried out a second strike in Syria a few hours ago targeting an ISIS leader: US officials tell Fox. Airstrike follows raid near Qamishli that killed Raqqan Wahid al Shammri, an ISIS operative wanted for smuggling weapons and ISIS fighters.
... Hmmmm... Gotta hurry-on and do this and get a plead deal
BEFORE the Republicans take-over the House of Congress and
Senate next year.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
CBS News:

The FBI has gathered - what it believes - is evidence to charge Pres. Biden’s son Hunter w/crimes related to his taxes and a gun purchase. FBI has sent the information to U.S. Attorney in Delaware, while Hunter Biden’s attorney hit back at the allegations.


eyecu2's Avatar
I think the gun issue was that Hunter or someone threw the gun in a body of water; but I didn't get to hear more specifics. But to his tax issues; he's mentioned that there was a plea deal in the works, and I believe it's still in there, but at a higher amount. It's a fucking shame that our country has all the distractions of corruption in any regime. It take the oxygen out of the normal running of things, and there are plenty of items that need to be addressed.

1. Borders,
2. Immigration
3. Economy
4. Wars
5. Energy
6. Transportation
7. Infrastructure

and on and on. It's a fucking shitshow and has been for 6 years or (as you cucky conservatives would lament - for 14 yrs minus Trumps terms) But I'm sure you'd mostly agree that this is NOT the perception of how countries should be run, with name calling or inability to navigate a stage or indirect or direct corruption. We've been a laughing stock for a long time now. I miss it when the only thing that was negative was a dude getting head in the oral, I mean oval office.
berryberry's Avatar
Democrat Tulsi Gabbard SLAMS Biden Crime Family and the corrupt media for treason for covering up Hunter Biden's laptop and crimes


eyecu2's Avatar
Tulsi is a paid talking head of Faux...they have one agenda- Get rid of all Democrats- The beat of dripping propaganda is absolutely like listening to an old 8 track; each of the talking loons takes the mic and says exactly what the person before them on the hour said. I have never seen such a repetitive lock step group of lemmings. I guess if being a lemming is a goal, then Tulsi is one of the best skunk striped version of a lemming you can get. Afterall- she makes no money sitting at home and the only place she shows her face is on FoX.

Further- would it be ok to post as facts the contents of a lawsuit that hasn't even been filed? To my knowledge, Hunter wasn't running for office, nor has he been charged with a crime yet, let alone back in 2019-20 in the run up to the election. That indeed was the case and some ppl mentioned the laptop, but just like the Trumps claim of Russia Hoax, Bidens said the same thing. If the resulting case comes to charges, then that is a different thing, but so far- more fodder for people to sell books (Miranda) and assertions of ties to the "big guy". I am not suggesting that Hunter is innocent by the way; but he has yet to have a day in court, nor any defense or his plea of gun or tax crimes. Hell- Trump was accused of TAX crimes since before he ran; He even made a joke out of it, saying "nobody knows more about taxes than he"

Meanwhile Jessie Watters and Tulsi have their pitchforks and torches lit while the rest of FOX decides how to follow up in lock step. Pathetic ruse at trying to create a narrative.
berryberry's Avatar
Tulsi Gabbard was the only sane Democrat running for President in 2020. And look, she is not afraid to tell it like it is and people like Eye bash her for telling the truth

How pathetic that libs treat their own just because they will not lie like the rest of the libtards
berryberry's Avatar
Miranda Devine : There’s a lot more than just a gun or tax charge on Hunter Biden‘s laptop.


HDGristle's Avatar
Brett Baer feels there's a whole pile of nothings if this is all there is
eyecu2's Avatar
[QUOTE=berryberry;1062986305]Miranda Devine : There’s a lot more than just a gun or tax charge on Hunter Biden‘s laptop.

Tulsi Gabbard was the only sane Democrat running for President in 2020. And look, she is not afraid to tell it like it is and people like Eye bash her for telling the truth Originally Posted by berryberry
Does Tulsi have clearances to know what's on a laptop that has yet to be validated or clarified. Or did she just read the complimentary cocktail book by Miranda about the 'hellish laptop'?

Last time I checked, Tulsi is paid partisan speaker who was at CPAC- you know, the all truthful campaign luncheon provider that gathers all the cucks from the conservative party so they can rally each other, (felate) and then get in line so they stay on topic. It's funny- but that is the only place she can make a buck by being paid for her flip floppery of both the GOP and Trump.

Here's a non political rag telling it like it is for Tulsi.


Excerpt( Gabbard, who ran for president as a Democrat in 2020, once called Trump "unfit to serve." Now she's building buzz for the 45th president along with Marjorie Taylor Greene)

While yes, I'd like to bang Tulsi, and she's entitled to her opinion, it seems odd that while being paid by the GOP, her opinion of the cucks and Trump has changed. She's perhaps originally a better GOP member than a DEM, but the topic was about the Bidens- and she's ready to convict a presidents son, without any charges, based on a coffee table opinion book, and then pressed by opinion television personalities who stretch their hands for any "gotcha" moment. You know how this is true? cause every single FOX program laments " we have to keep this message front and center".....and guess what? It's not. Cause last check, Hunter is just another fuck-up like Trump Jr. or his other kids....

I guess when you're a pubetard, that's all you got these days!

A party without a message, no ideas on any legislation, can't pass gas without a party vote, and will be a lame congress should they win the house in November. They won't win the senate, but ...regarding the Bidens- the only thing they will do is create one MORE independent council that will serve up nothing burgers all de doo dah day.
berryberry's Avatar
Does Tulsi have clearances to know what's on a laptop that has yet to be validated or clarified. Or did she just read the complimentary cocktail book by Miranda about the 'hellish laptop'?

Last time I checked, Tulsi is paid partisan speaker who was at CPAC- you know, the all truthful campaign luncheon provider that gathers all the cucks from the conservative party so they can rally each other, (felate) and then get in line so they stay on topic. It's funny- but that is the only place she can make a buck by being paid for her flip floppery of both the GOP and Trump. Originally Posted by eyecu2
LOL Tulsi was a DEMOCRAT candidate for President. Do libtards now eat their own when they say something that differs from the party line?

And did you even listen to what she said?
Clearly from your nonsensical response you didn't.
You just prattled on once again with your personal fascination with cucks?
Why is that?

Try clearly articulating exactly what Tulsi said in the interview if you want someone to take you seriously
eyecu2's Avatar
I know she WAS a Democrat. But she has NOW nothing to do with the democratic party at all.

The interview was nothing more than propaganda per usual - at FOX.

You're laughable that you are unable to comprehend the links sent and the dialogue of what she has resorted to do for money. She's speaking at GOP CPAC rallies. You cannot get further from democratic beliefs than a CPAC conference.

And a Cuck is...well you already know what it is. Any group who would choose person over party, and party over country is an absolute Cuckold mentality- Repturds in general are of that brand of person, and the lack of having a non- political veiwpoint, such as a mainstream vs. extreme slant to one side or another is where the biggest cuck distinction is made. Hell, I think 75% of GOP members would not only let Trump bang their wives, they would likely fluff him up prior, and clean him up afterwards. LOL
berryberry's Avatar
I know she WAS a Democrat. But she has NOW nothing to do with the democratic party at all.

The interview was nothing more than propaganda per usual - at FOX.

You're laughable that you are unable to comprehend the links sent and the dialogue of what she has resorted to do for money. She's speaking at GOP CPAC rallies. You cannot get further from democratic beliefs than a CPAC conference.

And a Cuck is...well you already know what it is. Any group who would choose person over party, and party over country is an absolute Cuckold mentality- Repturds in general are of that brand of person, and the lack of having a non- political veiwpoint, such as a mainstream vs. extreme slant to one side or another is where the biggest cuck distinction is made. Hell, I think 75% of GOP members would not only let Trump bang their wives, they would likely fluff him up prior, and clean him up afterwards. LOL Originally Posted by eyecu2
So you are saying libtards do eat their own when they don't toe the party line. Cool. Again, Tulsi was a DEMOCRAT candidate for President in the last election. But now that she speaks out about how the corrupt media and FBI suppressed damaging evidence on Senile Biden and his idiot crime partner Hunter in order to steal the election, you automatically brand her no longer a Democrat. Wow.

And there you go again with your fascination with cucks. I am sure some would say that is quite telling
HDGristle's Avatar
She had very little support in that run and came across as a Russian shill playing towards a pivot as a commentator for conservative media post race.

Funny that the same folks that toss around RINO every other breath never mention that while they try to paint anyone to their left as a Dem.

Ask Bam. He knows all about it