Friends have benefits.

Recent events make obvious need for knowing who true friends. May have noticed that in recent days several new ladies join circle of acquaintances. In just as much time all disappear after announcement of arrests in Maumelle. Many looked with favor upon new talent. Gentlemen look forward to new friendships as added variety to weekly or monthly fare. So now all ladies gone. Perhaps just move on, perhaps more trubling reason.
So now I am thinking, perhaps brotherhood too hasty in receiving new ladies. Danger of meeting ladies through public advertising already proven to be hazardous and incite peaceful citizens to point finger of suspicion and demand action. Have asked honorable attorney in another forum what may be done to make hobby safer for all concerned, and likewise encourage all suggestion for those change in practice that will make hobby safe and enjoyable for members as well as avoiding distaste of community and involvement of authorities. One obvious policy of individuals should be to make use of and support with business local ladies who support community through postings as well as safe and most enjoyable service. Recent loss in community of number of providers through legal problems should increase business for established ladies who due to economy may now feel decrease in support. If have not noticed field of ladies is diminishing. Without support of proven friends, future may be one where all enjoyment Is through methods already shown to be unsound and attended by much hazard.
Might Also suggest that time had come for more democratic method of introducing new members to board. Think ladies have more insight into what is good for community and perhaps should have more voice in additions.
Just ideas for discussion.
For self, will confine support and patronage to current group of established ladies who already have friendship. Feel safe. In commerce no act is mentioned, no ad is answered and as said before if police were in room, would find most difficult to make case. Fortunately since now have support of medical community in restoring youthful vigor to once sleeping dragon would not be dismissed by lady for lack of evidence. Buy local. Choose wisely. Live long and prosper.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Fortunately since now have support of medical community in restoring youthful vigor to once sleeping dragon would not be dismissed by lady for lack of evidence. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
Better living through chemistry.


bcg (whose job is tangentially related to the pharmaceutical industry, so he appreciates its importance to the quality of Mist' Chan's (and others') life)